Terms Expiring for Three District 155 Board Members

The view from west of the stadium seating.

The District 155 Board’s decision to appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court the bleacher case it lost may loom over next spring’s board race.

Petitions are available for those wishing to run for the Crystal Lake High School District 155 Board.

Three seats will be filled in the April election.

Those who current terms are expiring follow:

  • Jim Nelson
  • Barbara Slusin
  • Karen Whitman

All are from Crystal Lake.

Petitions may be obtained from the McHenry County Clerk’s Office.


Terms Expiring for Three District 155 Board Members — 4 Comments

  1. Slusin’s a real prize peach ….. she has difficulty w/ semi-abstract thought.

  2. They all need to go, how could they be so wrong on the bleacher issue and continue to pursue the issue to the Supreme Court.

    They have been absolutely wrong from start to finish and IF the Supreme Court accepts the case they will be vanquished again.

  3. The key here is to find good people to run, people who are skeptics and not cheerleaders, people with common sense who favor smaller government.

    If you are such a person, or know such people, I am willing to help them learn how to run an effective campaign, and how to understand District 155’s finances.

    The citizens made a difference at MCC.

    They can make a change at District 155.

    But ONLY if good people are willing to serve their community.

    Otherwise, we leave local governments, by default, to those who want more, more, more government without question.

  4. Please vote these members out!

    They need to go.

    We need board members who will actually think for themselves and not follow the board bully.

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