Rauner Asks for Advice

A press release from Govenror-Elect Bruce Rauner:

Rauner-Sanguinetti Announce Transition Website

Individuals Can Apply to Serve and Submit Ideas to Bring Back Illinois

Governor-elect Bruce Rauner and Lt. Governor-elect Evelyn Sanguinetti, chairwoman of the transition committee, announced the launch of the transition’s website:


Individuals who visit the website will be able to apply to serve in the Rauner-Sanguinetti administration and can also submit their ideas to bring back Illinois.

Bruce Rauner is looking for your advice.

Bruce Rauner is looking for your advice.

“Making Illinois the most compassionate and competitive state in America is a tremendous challenge, but it is something we can accomplish by building a talented team of individuals who want nothing more than to serve the people and by implementing the best ideas regardless of party origin,” Rauner said.

“All we want is what’s best for the people of Illinois.”

“Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, if you want to make Illinois more compassionate and competitive, we want to hear from you,” Sanguinetti added.


Rauner Asks for Advice — 10 Comments

  1. WOW! Very proactive way to approach bringing back Illinois. The power of social media. Right out of the gate, Bruce Rauner has taken the reins to heal the corrupt State of Illinois.

  2. Looks like he is keeping his promises right out of the gate. I’m happy I voted for Rauner.

  3. He doesn’t have a clue or a plan. And having Bill Daley giving him advice will get Illinois more in debt. It was Mayor Daley and Governor Thompson who passed the colas for public workers that contributed to the pensions going so far underwater.

  4. People GIVING advice doesn’t always mean a person will take it. Lets give him a chance and see what happens. Anyone is better than Quinn.

  5. OK! Everyone who posts on this site needs to get on board and give him at least one good idea. Enough of the complaining – get on board or the libs will inundate him with more requests for increased welfare services, increase bilingual services, increased services for illegal aliens, subsidies for businesses etc. etc. My request is for the elimination of Common and a ban on increasing the salary or paid benefits for ANY public sector employee.

  6. I got to the site in a separate browser window.

    I have a concern here, though.

    Bruce told us he wanted to shrink the size of Government in Illinois – how is inviting people to apply for jobs shrinking the size of Government?

    (And I do sincerely hope this wasn’t what he meant by creating jobs).

  7. I agree with Karma.

    I will also add by hiring Bill Daley, Rauner looks like he’s leaning more towards changing political parties then the Republicans will admit.

    Time will tell he isn’t sworn in just yet.

  8. The link is now working and they are adding new content.

    It seems like the plan is to create a bi-partisan team, duke it out, make decisions, moving as fast as possible to fix a 44 year train wreck.

    The land of milk and honey was built with smoke and mirrors.

    The state is a complete joke.

    For instance teacher and administrator salaries for FY 2013 Y 2014 have not yet been released.

    We are in FY 2015.

    Teacher and administrator salaries are one of the two big drivers to hike the biggest problem in the state, teacher and administrator pensions.

    The other driver being legislative benefit hikes.

    Want to hike pensions?

    Hike salaries and hike benefit levels.

    Want to guarantee pensions?

    No problem, add it to the state constitution at a Constitutional Convention when many changes are
    approved with a single up or down vote in a single election.

    The problems in this state are deep, wide, and firmly entrenched.

    It’s a complete fixer upper.

    Hoping the idea of creating a PAC to counter Madigan’s Democratic Majority PAC comes to fruition.

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