MCC Pres. Vicky Smith Recommends Taxing to the Max…or Not

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since McHenry County College President Vicky Smith has made it abundantly clear that she thinks the junior college should extract every dime possible from taxpayers.

Last year, with three new members–Molly Walsh, Tom Wilbeck and Chris Jenner–joining the Board President they put in office–Ron Parrish–rebuffed this taxeater mentality and held the college’s tax take to what it was the year before.

Now, with Mike Smith replacing Tom Wilbeck, President Smith apparently thinks it time for another run at digging as deeply into the taxpayers’ pockets as state law allows.

Below is her recommendation:

MCC President Vicky Smith's recommended taxes on district residents next year--the maximum amount allowed by law.

MCC President Vicky Smith’s recommended taxes on district residents next year–the maximum amount allowed by law.


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the estimated 2014 property tax levy for
$28,554,242 and adopts the attached resolution for the estimated 2014 tax levy for College District 528 and Certificate of Compliance with the Truth in Taxation law.

Vicky Smith

As I scroll down the agenda packet, I see another spread sheet and another recommendation from Vicky Smith.

MCC Levy 2014 rec no increase

Here is her second recommendation:


It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the estimated 2014 property tax levy for
$27,966,937 and adopts the attached resolution for the estimated 2014 tax levy for College District 528 and Certificate of Compliance with the Truth in Taxation law.

Vicky Smith

Maybe you can figure out what this double recommendation means.

The meeting starts at 6:30.

= = = = =
The text above still cannot be copied and pasted without adjustment.

Here’s how to contact an individual MCC trustee in private (i.e., the e-mail will not be read by Vicky Smith or her administrative assistants).
Contact an individual trustee at the email address below or at the extension for 815-455-3700.
I’d suggest emailing since they can read emails in the board room.


MCC Pres. Vicky Smith Recommends Taxing to the Max…or Not — 8 Comments

  1. Looks like the taxpayers are being Grubered – BY MCC, the county board, school districts, etc etc etc who seem to think we’re STUPID.

  2. Since FY2011, credit hours have declined by 11%, but taxes have gone up by 3.4%. (The increase was BEFORE the last election.)

    That means expenditures per credit hour increased 16%.

    Average class size, which was 22 in 2005, is now only 18.

    Yet Vicky Smith and Tenuta claim there is “zero fat” in the budget.

    Smith also claims there is $40 million in deferred maintenance.

    Whose fault is that?

    Until 2013, the board took the max every year and built, built, built, including a $6 million kitchen for the 16 culinary arts students, who had a FREE place for their classes.

    Now Vicky Smith wants a student lounge.

    If there is indeed all this deferred maintenance, why wasn’t it addressed over the years?

  3. The only self defense against these predators would be a property tax rate cap.

  4. Isn’t this the woman with the Thanksgiving greeting cards?

    I was just reading about how the cities of Berkley and San Francisco (CA) have decided that it’s a wonderful idea to place $20,000 worth of stickers on gas pumps to warn people that burning this fuel in their autos causes global warming. (Both cities are currently billions in debt.)

    Either Ms. Vicky is from there or is soon to go there; because she is a perfect left coast liberal.

  5. Vicky’s $200 K plus salary, is the best place to start, for extracting revenue.

    ‘Low hanging fruit’ as one Democrat Pol once said.

  6. Vicky Smith can ask for a tax increase, but again ALL authority rests with the Board of Trustees.

    The Board of Trustees direct the path of the institution.

    If you don’t like the Board of Trustees then vote them out.

    I believe there are a few up for re-election.

    I think Parrish and someone else might be up.

    So if you don’t like this path.

    Vote them both out…

  7. Well, here’s my recommendation …….. tar and feather H.R.M. Miss Vicky.

  8. Email all of them – I did.

    They need to know how the voters feel.

    I can tell you from experience a bad day for school boards, etc is when parents, voters and taxpayers show up and ask questions.

    These people see Obama et al get away with lie after lie and think they can too.

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