Fed Up? Time to Run for Office

Filing for Crystal Lake and Woodstock municipal offices have already closed, but every other local government requires that petitions be filed from December 15th to 22nd.

The Illinois Family Institute sent out an email with a piece by Leslie Pinney Abbey encouraging people to run for local office.

Make A Difference, Run for Office

Written by Leslie Pinney Abbey

As we look back at the results from this past election season, we ponder what could have been improved if there were better elected officials in the White House and Congress. The media constantly draws our attention to the national political scene.

Yet, it was [Boston Democratic Party U.S. House Speaker] Tip O’Neill who stated, “All politics is local.”

All these offices but assessor will be on the ballot in April.

All these offices but supervisor, assessor and highway commissioner will be on the ballot in April.

When was the last time you voted in your local election? If you do vote, how much research do you do to determine the best candidates?

Many of the decisions made at the local level affect your day-to-day lives more than national issues (Although with the Federal government getting increasingly involved with its heavy-handed legislation, this could now be a toss-up).

Think about it.

Your real estate tax bill is the result of decisions made by your local elected officials.

The amounts owed climb as our home values plummet. Have you ever really examined it?

That new park building local government leaders say the town must have, the improvements to the library that simply must happen, and the new computers that must be provided to students are all expenditures voted upon by your local officials.

Your school’s policies regarding curricula-selection as well as the tax levy amounts to pay for teachers’ and administrators’ salaries, pensions and building improvements and additions are determined by your local school board members. These are costly decisions monetarily and socially.

Who are the people making these decisions?

They are your neighbors.

They are no different or better than many others in your cities and towns.

What sets them apart is their vision for the course of our towns’ and our children’s futures, and a willingness to sacrifice their time to help achieve that vision.

You can have a voice in these decisions!

You can influence your schools, your city or village and your townships.

People of conviction are needed to represent those of us interested in reduced expenditures and balanced budgets.

There are too few school board members who are willing to vote for policies in school districts that will tighten the reins on teachers insistent on using the classroom for promoting liberal views.

How does this happen in education?

Teachers’ unions recruit school board members who are like-minded, go-along folks who will rubber stamp all the decisions that liberal teachers and administrators want.

Because so few people take the time to vote or research candidates, the hand-picked candidates get elected.

Our local elections in Illinois are called the Consolidated Election and will take place on Tuesday, April 7th, 2015.

They are held every other year.

While that seems a long way off, petitions are circulating now to put folks on the ballot. The process is not that complicated and can be learned from others and a little research.

Please consider running for office! School board member-nominating petitions require very few signatures, so to get your name on the ballot takes very little effort.

Nominating papers must be filed [between December 15th and] December 22nd.

The nominating petition forms can be obtained by contacting the district office of your local elementary, high school or community college.

[In McHenry County, petitions for school board may be obtained from the McHenry County Clerk’s Office.  Other petitions can be obtained from the local tax district.]

If you are considering running for other non-school positions, call the government office and ask about obtaining the packet containing the forms.

Once you’ve obtained all your signatures and filed your petitions with your district’s election official, you’re off and running.

There are people available to help you run your campaign and teach you the ropes.

Make a difference in your community.

Stand up for what is right.

Even if you decide not to run yourself, get behind the candidates who approach decision-making the way you would.

These local elections get very little attention from the voters.

The vast majority of those who vote are those directly tied to the government entity.

So, stir the pot.

Get involved and see the possibilities emerge.


Fed Up? Time to Run for Office — 2 Comments

  1. Great article, Cal.

    More people need to get involved in what’s closest to home.

  2. Running for office is the ONLY way to make a difference.

    The ignorance level in the voting population is so high, you could put the name of a mutated bacteria on the ballot and win an election.

    Run for office, knock on doors, spend some money and make a difference!

    We need more conservatives in office.

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