The Lakewood TIF “But for” Question

Lakewood’s Tax Increment Financing District feasibility study has a section aimed at the question, “But for…”

In other words, what would happen if there were not a TIF District?

Would there be development or not?

Here’s a summary of the question written by an opponent of the proposal, which will be voted upon at the Turnberry Country Club at a meeting beginning at 7 PM Tuesday:

TIF But for test scorecard
There was another TIF south of Huntley that met the technical requirements for a district.

It is my understanding is that Huntley Outlet Mall was built on raw farmland.


The Lakewood TIF “But for” Question — 9 Comments

  1. First, the Village is required to evaluate whether or not the RPA has been subject to growth and private investment, and must substantiate a finding of lack of such investment prior to establishing a Tax Increment Financing district. Supporting this finding, over half of the RPA (22 out of 37 parcels, or 55% of total land area) is vacant. In addition, no permits for major building activity have been issued over the past five years; four permits representing a total investment of $15,700 have been issued during this time for minor maintenance and repair to existing structures, and one permit has been issued for the installation of a large tent. Finally, the equalized assessed value (“EAV”) of the RPA as a whole has declined during four of the last five year-to-year periods. On the whole, the RPA has not been subject to widespread growth and development through investment by private enterprise.

  2. not TIF’d off- Is the argument you are putting forth “the patient has nothing wrong with them but the hospital needs money so we are going to order a battery of tests which justify invasive surgery which will likely damage the person irreparably and we are going to get the government to justify and then finance the assault and battery on an otherwise healthy person”?

    Development of open land on a high traffic corner is something normal investors will dig deep in their pockets to do on their own should a true need be established.

    To forward the idea business people are too stupid to recognize or invest in a great opportunity without government intervention and investment is insulting, corrupt and idiotic.

    This is the same garbage the federal government has spouted about its investment in renewable energy, health care, schools, unions and so many other segments of our society.

    At each turn the government has proven itself a failure at good investment practices.

    This Lakewood TIF is Tammany Hall all over again with all the earmarks of a Friends and Family pillaging of the public tax rolls.

    If this corner of McHenry County cannot find honest decent investors with vision and financial wherewithal to see the vision to successful fruition then the dirt can wait.

    It’s waited for human intervention for a few millenia.

    It can wait a few more years.

  3. Tif evaluation of But-For can be applied to all land north of Huntley and west of Rte 47, east of Marengo and South of Bull Valley with the same finding of “blight” based upon the criteria described as:

    1. falling Eav during last 4 of 5 year period? Check, we all qualify.

    2. Not many permits sought? Check, we all can’t afford to fix our homes because we are paying 4% property taxes. New homes built? Who would biuild a new home in a 4% property tax district? We all qualify.

    3. No growth and private investment? Check, we all qualify.

    Tif But -For is supposed to contrast its area to surrounding area. Its surrounding area is NOT Lakewood.

  4. The Village has an obligation to consider ALL the evidence and weigh it, not just to find “facts” that allow them to claim they have met all the technical requirements of the law, “facts” subsequently falsified.

    Opponents have also raised other arguments, including presenting strong evidence from independent statistical studies that TIFs do NOT result in additional revenues, and noting that NO independent studies show the opposite.

    Any independent judge would rule that, absent further proof, the Village’s arguments for the TIF have been disproven and that they have failed to respond to the counter arguments.

    But the judge in this case is NOT independent.

    The judge is the Board, and they have made clear their minds are already made up, that they were never really interested in public input, that they were never really interested in considering contrary evidence.

    Good public policy requires a fair process.

    Those who would destroy the process because they favor a particular outcome do the public a disservice.

  5. From what I read in the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/Art. 11 Div 74.4) TAX INCREMENT ALLOCATION REDEVELOPMENT ACT (TIF,)

    On and after November 1, 1999 (the effective date of Public Act 91-478), no redevelopment plan may be approved or amended that includes the development of vacant land

    (i) with a golf course and related clubhouse and other facilities or

    (n) “Redevelopment plan” means the comprehensive program of the municipality for development or redevelopment intended by the payment of redevelopment project costs to reduce or eliminate those conditions the existence of which qualified the redevelopment project area as a “blighted area” or “conservation area” or combination thereof or “industrial park conservation area,” and thereby to enhance the tax bases of the taxing districts which extend into the redevelopment project area.

    On and after November 1, 1999 (the effective date of Public Act 91-478), no redevelopment plan may be approved or amended that includes the development of vacant land (i) with a golf course and related clubhouse and other facilities.

    Seems pretty clear to me that Lakewood didn’t read the requirements (or wrote their own).

    Maybe we should point this out to them at the meeting Tuesday.

  6. Steve?

    Do you not recognize that everything you have said here is exactly, precisely how it works with Agenda 21. Every single time!

  7. Just a reminder that we will now have to (frequently) periodically check if an application for feasibility study for a power generation facility in this location has been placed in the PJM queue. Here’s how:


    2. “Fuel Type” select ALL, “Status” select ALL, “State” select Illinois, then (IMPORTANT!) select the ALL tab after the alphabet, next to AA2.

    3. Scan the list of Pjm Substation names. It might show up as Pleasant Valley, or something else.

    You can also look on the Map link which has colored dots where planned or operational facilities are located.

  8. Cindy, I’m more of a Trilateral Commission, New World Order kind of guy.

    The truth is out there.

  9. Steve?

    All members of CFR.

    All signed on to Agenda 21.

    LITH is a member of ICLEI!

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