Four Andersson Bills Signed

A press release from State Rep. Steve Andersson:

Rep. Andersson’s Four Bills Signed by Governor

Steve Andersson

Steve Andersson

Representative Steve Andersson (R-Geneva) recently had four bills signed into law by Governor Bruce Rauner.

All four pieces of legislation will provide for more efficient and effective government processes, the last of which was signed this past week by Governor Rauner.

The first bill, Senate Bill 45, now Public Act 099-0292, reduces and eliminates boundary line disagreements between local cities and villages. This bill was created in order to reduce conflicts at the local level, and promote orderly growth between adjacent municipalities.

Andersson said, “This legislation will save both time and money for residents, as it lessens the risk that litigation will break out between municipalities over boundary lines, and encourages the smart growth of our communities.”

House Bill 2744, now Public Act 099-0292, reduces and eliminates boundary line disagreements between local cities and villages. This bill was created in order to reduce conflicts at the local level, and promote orderly growth between adjacent municipalities.  Andersson said, “This legislation will save both time and money for residents, as it lessens the risk that litigation will break out between municipalities over boundary lines, and encourages the smart growth of our communities.”

House Bill 2745, now Public Act 099-0293, amends the Municipal Code to grant Non-Home Rule municipalities the same authority as Home Rule municipalities regarding code enforcement.

Andersson finds that this legislation will ensure unkempt neighbors properties don’t bring down your home’s value. Andersson found it “important to create a process for communities to use that will be not only easy, but effective. It also reduces the costs to landowners involved in the process.” This bill provides municipalities with a fair but efficient system in enforcing property maintenance codes.

Finally, House Bill 3104, now Public Act 099-0356, concerns county budget appropriations and serves to clarify an existing process used in local government procedures. It allows appropriations to be used in an emergency situation only if approved by a two-thirds vote of the county board. Andersson wanted to create more government transparency with this bill, and it does so by encouraging counties to create detail in their budgeting process.

As a first term legislator, Andersson was excited to have a great start to his time in the General Assembly with his first bills being signed. He looks forward to continuing to work towards making better and more efficient government practices in our state.

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The last bill is designed to get around a McHenry County State’s Attorney’s Opinion stating that such transfers had to be approved by the County Board.

House Bill 3104  “provides that transfers of appropriations may be made without a vote of the board except in transfers that affect personnel and capital which require a two-thirds vote. Further provides that such transfers may be made only if the total amount appropriated for the fund is not affected.”

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