McDOT Updates Randall Road Plan

“The proposed improvement exhibit for the Randall Road project has been updated with greater detail to better show how median pavements and intersections will be designed.”

That’s what the email from the County Highway Department said.

Take a look at the latest iteration of the McHenry County Department of Transportation’s plan for for Randall Road re-construction.

Randall Road Plan 9-15 no of Alg Rd

Modification north of Algonquin Road.

Modifications south of Algonquin Road.

Modifications south of Algonquin Road.


McDOT Updates Randall Road Plan — 10 Comments

  1. Is the Randall Road widening project still part of the plan?

  2. Cal, you have to explain what your symbols mean.

    Is there a light at Randall and Village?

    At Randall and Angela?

  3. That’s the worst rendering of a map I have ever seen.

    How much did we spend on these?

  4. The pdf of the same map is on

    The pdf loads super slow because there is a lot of detail.

    By the way there is a divergent diamond intersection being built at I-88 & Route 59 in Northern Naperville / Warrenville area as part of the Route 59 widening.

  5. PDF took all of one second to load.

    You still using a Commodore, Mark?

    Only one map.

    Its clear; but no key to explain anything.

    The maps above don’t look anything like the one you linked.

  6. Presumably (given Illinois funding freeze) this is all paid for with our property tax money, and RTA share which could havepaid for other needed projects (which will now require property tax dollars funds)?

  7. Another project to feed the Prevailing Wage machine which feeds unions which feed campaigns for weak-spined Republicans and all Democrats?

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