Money Donated for Abortions

Toby Levin, a long-time member of the McHenry County Citizens for Choice died at age 94 and left money in her will to pay for abortions.

Marian Michaels, Toby Levin and Dee Many were staffing the McHenry County Citizens for Choice booth.

Marian Michaels, Toby Levin and Dee Many were staffing the McHenry County Citizens for Choice booth.

A letter from Deloris Manny notes that in years past over 350 women have left McHenry County to obtain abortions.

Abortin help letter 9-15
A leaflet has been prepared, which was sent with the letter. You can see it below:

Pamphlet issued by the McHenry County Citizens for Choice about financial aid for women seeking abortions.

Pamphlet issued by the McHenry County Citizens for Choice about financial aid for women seeking abortions.

The other side of the leaflet can be seen below:

Information provided by the McHenry County Citizens for Choice on how to obtain financial assistance for an abortion.

Information provided by the McHenry County Citizens for Choice on how to obtain financial assistance for an abortion.


Money Donated for Abortions — 14 Comments

  1. So, you’re saying she’s resting comfortably in Hell right now?

  2. No she’s helping women who mad that choice.

    Remember to be religious we should not judge.

  3. I know I’m a sinner but history will look back at the time when we legally hacked our babies to death with disgust and disbelief.

  4. I am not religious at all, so I hope your comment was not addressing me, karma.

    I do know that we are going to be held responsible for all the evil we allowed on our watch.

    Forgive us, Lord Jesus for our ignorance.

  5. Once upon a time in the 60s, we weren’t exactly ultrasound literate.

    Now we know they show life in the womb.

    Since I started typing this comment, somewhere a life existed and now has become medical refuse or meat for barter.

    This is NOT a political game.

    It’s about life and death.

    As for women wanting their rights, of the aborted females today and all time past, how many of THEM had rights.

    Did THEY get asked if they wanted to be killed?

    There is currently a discussion about whether or not the life in the womb can feel pain before delivery.

    I’m sure it was easy for many to make decisions based on the concept of no.

    How do they feel now that the pain question is now leaning hard to yes.

  6. Realclearpolitics has an article today contrasting Hillery’s current statements on campus rape and its victims, and being compared with her actions relating to the slimming and attacking women that Bill “allegedly” forced into sex.

    Looks like a great campaign commercial in the making to me.

  7. Shame on those who judge and condemn. As God frowns upon all behaviors equally.

    Judging and condeming others to hell is equal to abortion in the Lords eyes.

    Jesus would who compassion for the women who feel as if they have no other choice.

    I’m so embarrassed to be a Christian when other “believers” behave in a manner which puts down others, judges, condemns, and forces personal religious beliefs upon others who have the right to make their own personal choices.

    Show compassion Christians.

    Try to understand.

    Telling someone to burn in hell is equally bad in the Lords eyes and you know that!

  8. You most definitely have the right to choose to ignore the law that God wrote on your heart.

    He called it free will.

    Using God to preach your own personal choice will not relieve your conscience no matter how righteous you think it makes you feel.

  9. I have judged no one, Thefisher.

    Look in the mirror, my friend.

    You just castigated me for no reason.

  10. I’ve see seen your posts before.

    You either don’t understand what judging someone means or you are delusional.

    Either is a sad situation.

  11. Reading comprehension not your strong suit?

    Stating facts is NOT judging.

  12. Kate,

    We all feel for those who women who feel trapped and like they have nowhere to turn and so support awesome organizations like First Way of McHenry County either directly or indirectly.

    Insinuating that Christians should be ok with this “personal choice” is like saying that Jesus would be ok with murder.

    Are you really saying that?

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