Skillicorn Mailer Touts Village Tax Cuts

The second of the seven pieces of Allen Skillicorn literature I picked up Wednesday runs today.

It brags about Skillicon’s success in cutting taxes since he has been on the East Dundee Village Board.

Allen Skillicorn brags that he is "the best fiscal conservative running for State Representative" on this side of his "cutting taxes" post card.

Allen Skillicorn brags that he is “the best fiscal conservative running for State Representative” on this side of his “cutting taxes” post card.

As I understand what Skillicorn is saying, his condo, worth $231,000 in 2007, is billed only $3 for East Dundee Village taxes now.

"Cutting taxes isn't easy," Allen Skillicorn states on the other side of his post card.

“Cutting taxes isn’t easy,” Allen Skillicorn states on the other side of his post card.


Skillicorn Mailer Touts Village Tax Cuts — 9 Comments

  1. Let’s have a big round of applause for yet another career politician who takes credit for something that required a team effort.

    Looks like he would fit right in with the General Assembly.

  2. I wonder when Angry Man will post one of his negative comments about Serwatka.

    He reminds me a lot of Mike Shorten (tax raiser Barb Wheeler’s BFF) who will soon lose his precinct race.

    First Randy Donley, then Tim and now Ron and Woodstock Ed.

    It’s all so confusing…

    Let’s elect a solid conservative to replace Tryon!

  3. East Dundee must not supply it’s residents many services if $3 pays for them, or they pay for service with high user fees like on W&S.

    Maybe a resident from there could better explain that, or was it a oddity for a year or two?

  4. “And no, ALlen does not live in a cardbord box. He owns a beautiful townhouse previously valued at $231,000 in 2007.”

    Woah, don’t blind us with your success, buddy.

    What are you going to do next, gloat about how nice your Tercel is?

  5. While this mailer may demonstrate Allen’s ability to count to 3, it also demonstrates his inability to spell the word “success”.

  6. Brag away, Allen.

    Your “$3 property tax bill” is only one of several line items for East Dundee charges.

    Your statement doesn’t seem to include the pension or fire protection line items…

  7. “We can’t clone Allen Skillicorn” – because his ego can’t possibly fit into a test tube..?

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