Polling in Jack Franks District

Steven Reick

Steven Reick

Jack Franks

Jack Franks

Making a not-so-wild guess from the content of poll questions being asked tonight in Jack Franks 63rd State Rep. district, I’d say the questions come from Republicans.

Thanks to a Friend of McHenry County Blog for sending the following summary of what the survey questions covered:

Would you be voting, which party, did you support the Gov.? Would you vote for Steve [Reick] or Jeff [Lichte]? You had to rate yourself as your lib to conservative stance. Age and sex. Also if a union member was part of the household.

If others can remember other questions, please add them in the comment section.


Polling in Jack Franks District — 3 Comments

  1. Illinois’ Squishy Balanced Budget Requirement It would appear that Illinois’ budget is required to be balanced. The Illinois Constitution states that “Proposed expenditures shall not exceed funds estimated to be available for the fiscal year shown in the budget” (emphasis added). 33 However, Illinois’ balanced budget requirement has some serious limitations. First, it refers to anticipated revenues, and there is no requirement that the state adjust its spending if the anticipated revenues are not realized. There is nothing to stop a governor or General Assembly from using an unrealistically high estimate when crafting the budget. This is well known and has been acknowledged by political leaders.34, 35 In addition, Reports of the State Budget Crisis Task Force Illinois Report 18 “funds available” can include existing fund balances, even if these are intended to meet future obligations; and borrowing, even to pay operating expenses. Illinois’ balanced budget requirement is also a cash concept, referring only to the current fiscal year. This means that the balanced budget requirement does not refer to future pension liabilities or unpaid bills from the previous year. Each fiscal year from 2009 to 2012 ended with a larger stack of unpaid bills — $8 billion at the end of fiscal year 2012 — and each year these bills were ignored when projecting balance for the next year’s budget.

    Questions is: Should the IL. Balanced Budget legislation be changed so the IL Constitution would read:
    Proposed expenditures shall not exceed the previous year’s known funds for the fiscal year shown in the present year’s budget.
    The words estimated needs to be removed, and borrowing can’t be considered revenue.

  2. Would you be voting YES

    Which party REPUBLICAN

    Did you support the Gov.? YES

    Would you vote for Steve [Reick] or Jeff [Lichte]? STEVE REICH

    You had to rate yourself as your lib to conservative stance. CONSERVATIVE

    Age 54
    and sex FEMALE

    Also if a union member was part of the household.

    NO STINKIN’ UNION members

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