Jack Franks Makes Fun of Governor Rauner

Right on top of Friday’s Capital Fax Blog is an article about what State Rep. Jack Franks said about Governor Bruce Rauner. (The comments under the article are interesting.)

This first appeared in a Tweet from

This first appeared in a Tweet from Dan Petrella.

“Governor, you don’t have enough votes in your caucus to bust the unions.

“Give it up.”

Think this will push Rauner to go all in to replace Franks with Republican Steve Reick?


Jack Franks Makes Fun of Governor Rauner — 5 Comments

  1. It’s time for him to go.

    Union busting?

    How about financial stability?

    How many legislative pension benefit hikes to underfunded pensions did Jack Franks vote for since he’s been in office.


    How much in campaign contributions has Jack Franks received from public sector unions since he began running for State Representative.


    How about retiree healthcare hikes and other union friend hikes.

    Many of the hikes Franks and lots of others in the General Assembly and Governors voted for cannot be justified in rational long term sustainable financial terms.

    The votes were done for political reasons at the expense of long term fiscal sustainability.

  2. Based on the amount of campaign literature already distributed by Reick, someone has come up with a bundle of cash!!

    Unfortunately even with Franks gone, Rauner still cannot achieve a majority in the Senate and likely will still have a minority in the House.

    That said, gotta start somewhere and it is time for Franks to go!!

    We also need Serwatka to win in the 66th to add to Rauner’s booming voice next year.

  3. Does Jack have a tin ear or what!

    Mark is correct, it is way past unions an politics.

    The State is going to take a dive and we are all on board.

    We need honest and true representation, we need Steve Reick for the 63 Dist!

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