County Board Vents at Jack Franks and IMRF Exec.

Louis Kosiba

Louis Kosiba

The Thursday night meeting of the McHenry County Board consisted mostly of criticizing Democratic Party State Rep. and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.

Executive Director Louis W. Kosiba had been invited to the meeting.

No one used the word “pawn” to describe how Franks had used him for political purposes two weeks before the Primary Election, but that was the thrust of the comments of many County Board members.

At issue is whether County Board members work the minimum 1,000 hours (half-time) a year to be eligible for benefits.

Some were also worried about the possibility of criminal prosecution.

The review of the question was stimulated by Franks’ providing the following information:

Hours Jack Franks' staff found that County Board members spent in 2015 at meetings where minutes were kept.

Hours Jack Franks’ staff found that County Board members spent in 2015 at meetings where minutes were kept.

Objections were made to the County Board’s being singled out for special attention as part of a political ploy.

The IMRF’s Kosiba said he had met with a local State Senator who was “very interested in working through a legislative solution.”

In the end, the question comes down to money.

IMRF pensions vest after ten years.

That stands to benefit those most who run for other offices with higher pay, because pension benefits are based on the last four years’s salaries.

To put this into perspective, let me quote the 1968 Field Director of the Republican National Committee, Ray Humphreys.

At a 1968 Campaign Management Seminar in Jacksonville, he told attendees that there are three reasons people run for political office. He called them the “Three P’s” to help one’s memory:

  • Power
  • Prestige
  • Pecunary

And the third “P”–money–was the driving force at the County Board meeting.

County Board members get paid $21,000 a year…plus health insurance…plus the employer contribution to Social Security…plus IMRF pension, if they sign up.  (See article to follow on Friday, re-run from March 13th.)

Board Chairman Joe Gottemoller treated Kosiba as if he were a witness in a trial.

He got a reply that no issue was raised until Local 150 and Jack Franks separately brought the question to the attention of IMRF.

Kosiba said that he had never gone to a newspaper with a politician before on a similar charge.

The probable next County Board Chairman Mike Walkup took on Kosiba next.

“You are insisting we recreate information for which we did not keep contemporaneous information,” he said.

“We were never informed of this were we?”

The answer was clearly the Board had not been told ahead of time.

Referring to possible criminal charges, Walkup, an attorney who practiced criminal law in his early days, suggested, “I believe there’s a Federal 5th Amendment problem.”

Kosiba revealed that public pension plans were not under Federal regulation.

“So it becomes a state perjury [charge if found to have sworn to something falsely]?”

Kosiba answered that was “a distinct possibility.”

The Executive Director asked if other county boards were being subjected to similar scrutiny and found they were not.

“Think it might be an equal protection problem?” Walkup asked.

“Possibly” was the answer.

NIck Provenzano

NIck Provenzano

Nick Provenzano was next at bat.

From his questions the Board learned that Franks wanted to have a press conference, but Kosiba “indicated it would be better to meet with editorial boards,” who would be “better able to filter…to analyze the information.”

“I think you were dragged in by a State Rep. that has had a vendetta with this body for years,” Provenzano concluded.

Carolyn Schofield

Carolyn Schofield

Carolyn Schofield pointed that “the number of hours {1,000] was set by a majority of the Board. [That was in 1998, when the minmum number of hours was increased from 600.]

“The Board determined that fellow Board members were expected to work 1,000 hours,” Kosiba said.

Chuck Wheeler asked,

“Do you realize you’re being made a puppet in a political situation?”

Chuck Wheeler

Chuck Wheeler

Wheeler said he didn’t want to provide information that would be handed over to the Northwest Herald about when he talked to whom about what.

“That’s a valid point,” Kosiba admitted.

Diane Evertsen, who is not in the pension system, found “the politically motivated witch hunt” “choreographed excellently” “offensive.”

“Do I mark a calendar I spend on everything or not?” she asked.

“How far is this supposed to go?

“Those who do our job do it well and we know how long it takes.”

“Did it occur to you that this Board keeps records and minutes before going to the press?” asked Jeff Thorsen, who said he didn’t have “a dog in this fight.”

He was referring to the motion passed in 1998 to lift the hours required from 600 to 1,000.

“The legislator wanted to go to the papers,” Kosiba replied.

Louis Kosiba

Louis Kosiba

“You’re going into the lions’ den and you’re not even going [to have] the tiniest shield.”

“I’m more than willing to look at that [the 1998 minutes], Kosiba said.

Yvonne Barnes argued that all Board members knew the rules from having attended new member orientations.

“[At] each one, it was made very, very clear [about] the requirement.

“I do find it offensive.

“We all know what is required.”

Then she followed up on the special, if not unique nature of IMRF’s request of McHenry County Board members:

“How many times has IMRF made a request this specific to a board with that short a period?”

The Board was given until April 4th to account for their 1,000 hours.

“This is the only time,” Kosiba admitted.

“You have an audit and everything was clear and now you’re starting [again] because one person or one group is trying to make trouble?” Barnes asked.

“This is the first and only time a member of the General Assembly has come to IMRF,” Kosiba admitted.

“The information comes from a union [Local 150 of the Operating Engineers] that is suing us because we supported Governor Rauner’s [Turnaround Agenda],” Gottemoller interjected.

“Jack asked for it, so we’re going to do it.” Kosiba replied.

Barnes asked if the second look after the audit meant that someone on Kosiba’s staff hadn’t done his or her job.

“You should talk to your staff and ask what they did wrong.

“It’s an unreasonable request.”

“Many of you have made good points,” the IMRF Executive Director replied.

“[But], we did have new information.”

“You’re going to be giving a depostion in the future like we will.”

“I’ll answer truthfully.”

To some of the comments and questions, Kosiba pointed out were not “germane, of you’r working the hours.”

Anna May Miller

Anna May Miller

“Had you asked us that before going to the newspapers we would not be as angry,” Gottemoller explained.

Anna May Miller told of her not having “my calendar from last year.”

She worried about being charged with perjury, “if I’m wrong on the date” in an affidavit, which “could end up causing even more trouble.”

“We’re not used to dealing with the crap that goes on in Springfield,” Donna Kurtz exclaimed.

“…the back stabbing, the lying, the politically motivated witch hunts that you have allowed yourself to be drawn into.

“You’ve got to create a level playing field.”

John Hammerand

John Hammerand

John Hammerand question whether Board members who had been put on insignificant committees because they had fallen out of political favor would be penalized.

He stressed that emails took a lot of time, not to mention the 2-3 feet of paperwork in each year’s Board packets.

He said the voters should be “the final arbiters of whether we’re putting in the hours.

“The public’s our boss.”

The IMRF Exec described what is happening with regard to the McHenry County Board “is a unique situation.”

This is the only time “a member of the General Assembly has come to us with information.”

He did admit that all counties should be treated equally.

“This is the craziest thing I have ever seen,” Walkup said before asking, “If we tell [you] we’re taking the Fifth Amendment is that going to be discoverable?”

“Anything you put in writing” will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act was the reply.

Mike Walkup

Mike Walkup

Pointing out that he was the probably Republican candidate for County Board Chairman this fall, Walkup asked,

“Are you aware it is rumored that Mr. Franks may be running for County Board this year?”

“I did not run to the press and throw this County Board under the bus.

“I was there (at the newspapers) to provide information.

“Mr. Franks’ agenda is between him and the press.”

Jeff Thorsen, who did not sign up for the pension when he replaced Ken Koehler, suggested, “What you’re doing to us, you’ve got to do to everyone else.”

In a second time commenting, Hammerand told of when County Board members were paid for every day they showed up for a meetings.

He pointed out there were a lot more meetings.

“I am totally convinced this Board can make it a 40 hour a week job.

“Think about this monster you’re about to turn loose.”

Andrew Gasser apologized to the public, two of whom he said had walked out during the almost two-hour discussion.

“This is so political.

“We’re in politics.

“We’re elected representatives.

“There’s an easy way to solve this.

“We can do what Winnebago County did.”

Winnebago County took County Board members out of IMRF.

“Are you serving on this Board to get a pension?

“I can’t think of one constituent who thinks we should have a pension,” the man who did sign up after he was elected in 2014 said.

“If we did take away your pensions, would you still want to be on this board?”

He also referred to health insurance [which almost doubles the value of serving on the County Board for some members].

“We sitting her lambasting this guy for a political stunt.

“We can work 1,000 hours or we can simply say, ‘No,’ and don’t take the pension.

Gottemoller called for one last comment.

An “Amen” was heard.

Diane Evertsen, who also is not in the pension program, given the last word, said,

“I am concerned about the set-up.

“I am concerned that you were sucked into this situation.

“If my nephew called you about the Lake County Board, would you look into it?

“Or is there political pressure that has put you in the position you find yourself in now?”

“We get whistle blowers all the time and we follow up,” Kosiba said.

“You are in this political situation whether or not I spoke to the press.

“Has the IMRF been used?


After the minimal business on the agenda, the Board went into Executive Session to discuss litigation.

= = = = =
If Jack Franks is re-elected and spends another two years in Springfield, he will have served the twenty years which are required to qualify for a maximum pension of 85% of his final salary.


County Board Vents at Jack Franks and IMRF Exec. — 40 Comments

  1. So is Mike Walkup really too dense to see that Jack Franks is going to get the McHenry County Dems to slate him to run against Walkup for County Board Chairman, and that this is just the opening shot..?

  2. Obviously Democrat State Representative Jack Franks is targeting the Republican McHenry County Board, since no other counties are the target of the IMRF pension inquiry.


    McHenry County does not participate in the Elected County Official (ECO) IMRF plan.

    Not sure if ECO has the same 1,000 hour a year requirement.

    That’s a question to ask IMRF or look up online.


    McHenry County Board participates in the “Regular” IMRF plan but not ECO IMRF

    Here are the other counties that participate in “Regular” IMRF but not ECO IMRF.

    Not sure if County Board members, as opposed to only rank and file, participate in IMRF in these counties.

    Mr. Franks asked that McHenry County be investigated.

    Perhaps another state legislator or someone else can ask that the following counties be investigated.

    Unless there’s a compelling reason to believe McHenry County Board members in Regular IMRF work less hours than county board members in other counties.

    Adams County
    Calhoun County
    Carroll County
    Cumberland County
    DeKalb County
    Douglas County
    Edwards County
    Franklin County
    Grundy County
    Hancock County
    Henry County
    Jersey County
    Jo Daviess County
    Johnson County
    Kane County
    Knox County
    Lake County
    Lawrence County
    Lee County
    Livingston County
    Logan County
    McDonough County
    McHenry County
    McLean County
    Monroe County
    Moultrie County
    Putnam County
    Richland County
    Sangamon County
    Stark County
    Stephenson County
    Tazewell County
    Warren County
    Washington County
    Whiteside County

  3. If the 1,000 hour requirement is not in the IMRF pension code does Mr. Kosiba have the authority to investigate whether or not the board members worked 1,000 hours.

  4. I’ve noticed that Jack Franks always says he’s working (or introducing) a lot of bills that sound good to the sucker public but he KNOWS will never pass so he can always say

    “I’m trying to work in your best interests”.

    He’s a master at it.

    He’s a politician.

    We should have had enough of Politicians by now.

    We NEED to get Steve Reick elected.

    or we will have a Democrat County in no time!

  5. Lol Hey Blunt,

    How many Bills will Steve Reick pass given he’s in the minority?

    Be real!

    Good on Jack to hold the county board accountable.

    Looks like there are a couple people at risk of criminal prosecution.

    We all know the county board is bloated, overpaid and under worked.

    Time to cut the size to ten, be rid of pensions and treat this VERY less than part time job for what it is!!

    That sounds conservative to me!

  6. Andrew Gasser has it right on this.

    Either document that the board members work 1000 hours a year or stop taking the pension.

    Its a good thing to have a legislature to ask a state employee to check on misuse of state funds.

    Is this also happening in local townships?

    Sure it is.

  7. Andrew Gasser needs mental help.

    Listen to the tape of last night’s meeting.

    If you don’t know how to find the location of the recording from last night’s meeting, you must work for IMRF or Jack Franks.

  8. Next Board post I see, I’ll drive to some Wal Mart instead and watch crows fight over food scraps in the parking lot.

    Time better spent.

  9. I hope the County Board members now realize that public sector employees have taken over government.

    Public sector employees are very good at isolating targets and destroying them.

    Last night we watched an attempt to destroy the respect of McHenry County Board members.

    If you know a County member, you know how many hours they work.

    As long as we have public sector unions, members of those unions will do whatever the private sector unions and their minions tell them to do.

    In this case, the goal of Local 150 is to make money for their attorney and get the county board to rescind their support of the Rauner agenda.

    To get this done they using one of their useful tools – Jack Franks.

    We need to work really, really, hard to get Steve Reick elected and if Jack Franks is slated to run against Michael Walkup, we (the taxpayers of McHenry County of all political colors) need to work very hard to defeat Jack Franks.

    And as mentioned already, Andrew Gasser needs to can his narcissistic self-serving comments.

    I have checked the hours posted above and it does NOT include the detail of minutes spent by Board members attending committee meetings that they are not a member of.

    Joe Gottemoller’s hours are only for Board meetings.

    I have seen Joe at many, many committee meetings.

    Jack Franks, you and Mike Madigan are one of the reasons Donald Trump is doing as well as he is.

    Anyone reading the post by Cal above, remember this – the attack on the McHenry County Board is motivated by the liberals in this state.

    They want to shut down Bruace Rauner’s agenda at any cost.

    I have a question for McHenry County Board members:

    Those of you who have voted to approve the MCDOT projects current and future, do you realize you participated in providing the funding of Local 150?

    BTW McClellan is one of the beneficiaries of Local 150 and her husband (now a county employee because he could not find a real job) was a member of Local 150.

  10. Observation:

    McHenry County operates with a balanced budget and pays its bills on time.

    Jack Franks and the Democratically controlled State government is how many days late paying bills?

    How large is the state pension deficit?

    Why is Jack Franks not working on those issues?

    Jack Franks, Mike Madigan and their MINION public sector unions attacked (attempted to smear) Steve Reick for not paying his taxes on time (he is not the only person in this state who has had financial problems) while they put up road after road block to prevent the Governor making changes which will solve our state deficit problem.

    Jack Franks must go!

    Whatever office he runs for, work to defeat him!!

  11. Hey Mark!

    Can you look up the salary history of Louis Kosiba?

  12. Wasn’t the 1,000 hour “requirement” used by the then county board to justify an increase in their pay and/or move from a per diem to a “salary?”

    IOW, we’ve been getting screwed (the taxpayers) since it took effect.

  13. This is incredible really.

    To be arguing the requirements of the job.

    Either they did the time or not.

    Either they can provide proof or not.

  14. Andrew has said here that he puts in 30 hours a week doing what is needed to do the job right.

    Anna has said almost the same thing.

    Andrew said justify the members should justify time worked or give up IMRF.

    Without record keeping in the past, there is no proof as others said, so the board needs to start with the record keeping or get out of IMRF.

    April is to soon for proof, maybe in six months of the record keeping would prove or not in or out of IMRF.

    If the board is cut down in size, the record keeping wouldn’t be needed as much because it would a a full time job that meets the 1000 hours.

    If cut down, IMO the number of board members should be based on representing a max of 20,000 residence, or about 16 board members with the possibility of that number increasing as the population does.

    Pay will also be a issue if that happens.

    It should be kept in mind, Andrew gets a Military Pension and VA Healthcare, and has said he would term limit himself.

    Of course that would put him under the ten years and he wouldn’t receive a pension anyway.

    If they decide to end IMRF, without proof of cheating, those that paid into IMRF already will get their pension payments back if no pension is to be awarded.

    Political games by Jack, yup, but many of the board members are playing similar games, but act so surprised when the game is against them?

    Disingenuous has a funny almost laughable side to it don’t ya know.

  15. If the Board size is cut in half, I predict within a few years the salary will be doubled.

  16. I hope that all the Board members are familiar with the Rules for Radicals.

    It was at work last night. ‘Divide and conquer’

    Mr. Gasser fell for it.

    ‘Use their own rules against them.’

    Based on my reading of the IMRF rules, there was no requirement to maintain PROOF of hours worked.

    If they want to make that a rule, they can but until they do, simply signing an affidavit should be adequate.

    If IMRF and Jack Franks and Local 150 want to get Board members who plan to or already participate in IMRF to maint detailed records for a month, then request that but this is nothing but a witch hunt!!

    Saul Alinsky rules in Springfield and in the White House.

  17. I agree with Cal’s comment.

    In addition, if you consolidate Townships, I predict that the newly elected board will double or triple their salaries for the next term AND Local 150 will organize the employees at the consolidated Township.

  18. Cal, I see your prediction of Board Members salaries doubling in a few years and raise you a triple in less than 7 years.

    Where the salary becomes a near 80,000 per year or more.

  19. Everyone seems to be pointing the finger at Jack.

    But you may have forgotten, that the County Board jumped all over the “turnaround” agenda to stop union shops, invite freeloaders to live off the union and not pay dues and to drive down wages by repealing prevailing wage.

    They antagonised a very large number of union members and their union who has the ability and means to do somehting about it.

    and when you have open ended issues like this little pension item out their, ripe for the picking, you should be very careful about who you pick on.

    They picked a fight with unions and local 150 in particular.

    If you ask Call, I am pretty sure he will tell you they were one of the more republican unions in Springfield during his tenure.

    But try and take away their wages and standard of living, they brought this on themselves.

  20. Just encountered the following:

    “The managers of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund are racking up terrific pay hikes: Over the last two years, Chief Investment Officer Shah Dhvani’s pensionable salary increased from $208,003 to $286,826. Executive Director Louis Kosiba’s salary has increased from $126,703 in 2001 to $242,518 in 2014- the- same job title and duties and an $116,000 pay hike.”

  21. Evert, those numbers are significant and over the top some, but remember those dudes keep a well run ship, with IMRF around 96% fully funded.

  22. IMRF needs more adjustments also, top rate of 75% should be no hire than 70% for starters.

    Max pensions perhaps of 100k and that is more than most will get in the real world.

    No ERS, no buyouts and pumping up of pensions the last few years.

    Maybe a 5% reduction in all pensions instead of a income tax on pensions where the $$$$ would just get lost in the general fund.

  23. And so it begins. Even just showing the back of a head, one can plainly see what a crook looks like.

    Nice digging, Evert and Conservative. You obviously have the play plan down.

    Keep up your tireless expose and maybe it will open the eyes of the innocents and the pawns.

    It appears many are not smart enough to play this game that they didn’t even know they were playing.

  24. The bottom line is – are we the taxpayers getting the time put in by these people in order to earn the pension and other benefits?

    At my job, if I don’t put in the time, I don’t get paid and most likely fired.

    I don’t care which party these people represent either.

    If they don’t know the rules of their job to get the benefits, then they should be fired — ignorance is no excuse. What a bunch of cry-babies — all of them.

    We should have audits done every year to ensure the rules are being followed.

    If some of these people are innocent, then an audit will reveal that as well.

    This county is so corrupt!!!!

  25. It appears Mr. Franks is attempting to divert attention from himself and obviously has an axe to grind with the County Board or another agenda since there are 102 counties in Illinois and only McHenry County is being targeted.


    How about Mr. Franks also taking a look at the TRS teacher and administrator pension fund if he wants to save taxpayers money.

    In the TRS pension fund, some school districts release teachers from their teaching duty, up to 100%, so the teachers can do union work.

    So taxpayers pay for teachers to conduct union work.

    Instead of teaching.

    School districts are good at hiding this since hardly any taxpayers know it occurs.


    Teacher union PACs contributed to the Government for the People PAC.

    Government for the People PAC supported fake Republican Jeffery Lichte and opposed real Republican Steve Reick in the 63rd Republican Primary held this week on March 15, 2016.

    The winner of that primary, real Republican Steve Reick, will go on to face Hillary Clinton delegate Democrat Jack Franks in the general election in November 2016.

    Specifically, the Illinois Education Association (IEA) and Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) teacher union PACs both contributed funds to Government for the People PAC, which supported fake Republican Jeffery Lichte in hopes he would win so Democrat Jack Franks would have no real opposition in the fall general election for the 63rd Representative District.

    Teacher union PACs obviously advocate school districts releasing teachers from teaching duty to conduct union work, and said teacher union PACs contribute to political campaigns.


    Jack Franks does not speak against the practice of allowing school districts to release teachers to perform union duties instead of educating children, probably one of many reasons the Jack Franks PAC receives contributions from teacher union PACs.

    School districts paying for educators to conduct union work is a tax hike, because taxpayers have to pay for another teacher to actually teacher the children.


    Jack Franks opposes union reforms claiming Governor Bruce Rauner is busting the unions, another example of a Jack Franks tax hike, in the following instance the hike comes from increased labor costs.

    For example, Mr. Franks opposes local municipal exemptions to prevailing wage.


    Jack Franks is a big tax hiker which is why the unions contribute lots of money to his political action committee.

    Just three examples.

    – Mr. Franks supports legislative pension benefit hikes to underfunded pensions.

    – Mr. Franks does not support local municipal exemptions to prevailing wages to allow local to better control labor costs if that’s the will of local people.

    – Mr. Franks does not advocate an end to the practice of allowing local school districts to release teachers from teaching duty to perform union work; some districts release a union leader from teaching duty up to 100%; at the very least the practice should be prominently disclosed to taxpayers.


    With that said it is good transparency to know how many hours board members are working, but simply releasing the form to the public would suffice, calling on all counties to do the same would be better; singling out only McHenry County and the way this has played out and is playing out is over the top.

  26. You can bet that there are 24 county board members who are working on setting up timesheets for themselves this morning.

    The issue isn’t likely to go away, and no elected official wants the risk of a fraud complaint hanging over their head for the rest of their lives.

    FWIW, and in my opinion, it’s hard to see IMRF and elected officials as a good mix where minimum work hours are concerned.

    First, each elected official is their own boss, so unlike other jobs where you’d have an upline certify that the employee has met the hourly requirements, here we have to rely on self certification, always an iffy proposition.

    I’ve no doubt that there are many, most, or maybe even all board members put in 1,000 working hours a year.

    The problem with elected officials is in how you define ‘working hours’.

    The county road guys have daily time records. For them, easy enough.

    It’s assumed that anything you do while on the clock is working time.

    But the average county board member attends meetings, takes constituent calls, reviews board documents, etc., all of which are clearly ‘working’.

    But they also have to do independent research which may or may not end up being germane to anything the board is doing at that point.

    And what about evening social events?

    Is the time spent at a non-partisan fundraiser working the room ‘working’ or not?

    Surely it is outreach and being engaged is an obligation of all public figures, though usually there’s no immediate and measurable way to parse how much of your time was work and how much was pleasure.

    Structurally, I don’t think you can ever get around these issues. So you really only have two choices:

    Either you rely on the elected official to self-monitor and resign yourself to the fact that there’s no practical way to verify, or you get rid of the ability to participate in the IMRF entirely

  27. Interesting meeting last night to say the least.

    This is a witch hunt lead by Jack Franks, and the only reason he is pursuing it is because the party is supporting Steve Reick against him.

    The unions are picking this fight because the board passed a non-binding resolution supporting a governor who won 65% of the votes in the County… boohoo.

    Andrew Gasser… get help.

    Your the crap that oozes from your mouth is insulting drivel; stop trying to out Frank Jack Franks.

  28. Mark, I hope you will contact me.

    We need you as a member of the McHenry County Good Government Association.

  29. The Board’s excuse for requesting an increase in salary will be the increased cost of living in McHenry County, speficially the higher real estate taxes.

    This Board is a rudderless cruise liner lacking “vision” and “purpose”.

  30. Funny how John Hammerand said the Public is there bosses .

    When at that meeting when over 400 of his self admitted bosses told them not to vote for Rauners turn around agenda.

    They all did the exact opposite of what Hammerand claims are his bosses told them to do !

    There was also a comment from one of the County Board Members after they were all told that what they were trying to do was against the State law .

    One Board Member said we don’t care about it being illegal we break laws all the time !

    This is not the kind of Representation the residents of McHenry County want or deserve !

  31. This is great

    The Local GOP is gucking my realestate taxes dry by lieing and stealing

    Then trying to use the ecuse, “everyone Else is doing it”


  32. It is a part time civil service role.

    As a taxpayer, I resent paying for your healthcare and your pension.

    This blog criticizes public unions & teachers for their pensions but now spend time criticizing Frank’s for pointing out a clear violation.

    Who cares who did it.

    They are not working 1,000 hours Hammerand is not even in town half the year.

    They don’t earn it.


    This board voted to raise it to 1,000 hours.


  33. Inish, glad you brought up our superb State Representative Jack D. Franks.

    Wonder how our destructive Machiavellian and egoistical State Rep Jack Franks justifies his pension in which he will collect almost $2.5 million in constitutionally guaranteed pension payments over 30 years.

    The present value of that benefit stream (the amount that needs to be in the plan today to fully pay the benefit stream at an assumed rate of return, currently 7%) is $747,488.

    The problem is, there isn’t enough money in any of the state’s pension plans to pay all of the benefits due.

    The General Assembly’s plan is in particularly bad shape, as it only contains 16% of the amount needed to pay benefits.

    So instead of nearly $750,000, the plan only has $119,598 on hand to pay our friend Jack his $2.5 million constitutionally guaranteed pension. For more information go to

    By the way, when is the County Board going to have Mr. Franks investigated on his pension, and his hours worked?

    Seems he has a significantly questionable pension situation, that hurts the taxpayer far more than the piddly County Board pensions in question.

  34. Who said I support that pension.

    It’s civil service.

    Doesn’t deserve a pension.

    PERIOD!,,,,puddly or not, they voted to raise the work load.

    THEY did.

    Eliminate the pension and the taxpayer subsidy of their healthcare.

    I am sick and tired of the county board and the ” tax fighters” of this blog only looking at one side.

    It is irresponsible spending.

    Just like when they allowed the Valley Hi fund to grow so obscene and now are crowing like someone other than the county board who approves the budget is responsible.

    How about the computer system that we were not supposed to pay for because we were the test case, then we paid for the beta model, and then paid again when it went over budget and over time, and is now being sold by the company for profit.

    Yeah the product we taxpayers paid to develop.

    Stop submitting FOIAs and just pay attention.

    This is a board of self serving ego who have never succeeded in the private sector.

    Hey Chuck, how many affordable health care cases did you assist when you cut the county navigators?

    I bet Diana is collecting a govt. pension for her time with townships.

    Walk up is living on a court settlement because he is a lawyer allergic to paper.

    Hammer and can’t seem to make it to board meetings cuz he “might” get sick.

    Was he here this year in the mildest winter on record?

    Friggin hypocrites to say that this is a union fight.

    Show me that you work 20 hours a week, shouldn’t be hard.

    Your mileage records would reflect it, your phone records.

    Explain how they had time to campaign.

    If your working 30 hours a week being a county board member, Andrew, how is it you are knocking on thousands of doors for the party.


    Eliminate the pension and healthcare.

    Don’t like the hours?

    Don’t run!!!!!!

  35. Andrew Gasser does not participate in the pension or health insurance programs.

  36. I’ve never seen elected county board members categorized as civil service.

    Usually that’s a term used for Federal or at least in Illinois some university employees.

  37. Interesting observations, Irish.

    How many hours has Algonquin Township Supervisor Klemm been in the office for the past 2 years?

    How many hours was former County Treasurer Bill LeFew seen in his office for has entire TERM?

    Didn’t Algonquin Township Clerk Marc Munaretto have to return IMRF when it was obvious that a Township Clerk never meets the 1000 hour criiteria?

  38. 150 guys, post from your phones so you have spell check to help you out.

    Spelling is so bad it’s hard to discern what your point is

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