Donor Unwillingness Leads to Student Fee Cut

MCC Lab - Lab and Student space now and proposedI continue to be frustrated at the minimalist approach to the Open Meetings Act that McHenry County College is taking.

There is a Board meeting next Thursday night at 6:30.

Actually, there are three Board meetings that night.

Agendas were released Friday shortly after 4 PM.

But the reports, numbered on the agendas were withheld.

Trustees got access so they could study them over the weekend, but we folks who pay the bills are still in the dark.

One item caught my attention.


The infrastructure fee was passed contingent on the new President’s being able to tack down private financing for the $34 million addition that previous President Vicki Smith said was forthcoming.

He didn’t do so.

The driving force behind the addition was the construction of new science labs.

But there was lots more space for non-academic student space.

When the infrastructure fee was proposed, Trustee Chris Jenner insisted that it be repealed if a financing plan were not put in place.

It wasn’t, so students will save money for at least the fall semester.


Donor Unwillingness Leads to Student Fee Cut — 5 Comments

  1. We need a new Board Document Transparency Law.

    Documents made available to the Board for an Open Regular Board Meeting should simultaneously be made available to the public on the District website.

  2. So if they can’t find the donors to fund 1/2 of the building and they end the $10.00 fee.

    Does this now mean they are done with the new building?

  3. Listen to the meeting online on Thursday night, starting at 6.

  4. Wow …. what a sneaky procedure Mobius strip!

    Thanks, Mr. Skinner, for exposing this occult governmental legerdemain!

  5. Well, there was a lot of phony calls for more student space.

    That was led by the yes men that are on student senate as well as the student trustee, who made “student space” his dog fight.

    These people go to the Board and pretend they are the voices of the students — they are not, believe me.

    If they ever do surveys, they are intentionally biased, like the time I brought up questions about the proposed fitness facility and they asked

    “but wouldn’t it be nice to have an indoor track?”

    What they claim the students want isn’t even considered by most students.

    The reason people go to MCC is to either get a certificate, vocational degree, or to get a degree that transfers.

    Who is under the illusion that they’re going to MCC for a particular social experience?

    Gotta cut the crap with the student space and social nonsense.

    It’s not a university, it’s a community college.

    People go to their classes and go home, that’s it.

    If you want more student space open the gymnasium up.

    I’ve suggested it.

    Updating the labs is fine, but this “just for fun” stuff is a waste of money for both students and taxpayers.

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