Jack Franks Still Running for State Rep. – Part 20

Progress Illinois was another place that ran a story on Jack Franks’ seeking the McHenry County Board Chairmanship.

It appears its source was the Northwest Herald.

Part of what was printed said,

“The population of our county is declining because of poor leadership in the county that relies too much on raising our taxes and too little on making the tough choices to consolidate overlapping and duplicative government services.”

No examples were given as to what tough choices Franks was willing to make.

Of course, he won’t have a vote on the County Board as Chairman…even to break ties.

The Northwest Herald headline from early June of 2014 about Jack Franks' promise not to run for McHenry County Board Chairman.

The Northwest Herald headline from early June of 2014 about Jack Franks’ promise not to run for McHenry County Board Chairman.

He also contended that he is a proven tax fighter.

This story does not say that Franks is leaving the Illinois House.

That’s better than buying the line that he is…until he files a Withdrawal of Candidacy statement.

Remember, he told Pete Gonigam,

“Franks qualified that saying he’d give up the Rep. race if the Committee can pick another candidate who’s both ‘electable’ and holds a political outlook consistent with his own.”

Check whether Franks has filed the form yet, by clicking here.


Jack Franks Still Running for State Rep. – Part 20 — 14 Comments

  1. Cal is on a mission.

    Until everyone understands what a liar is ….

  2. Cindy, you lost all credibility after you admitted to following the blog of someone that believes Martin Luther King Jr. was the antichrist.

  3. I have no idea what the Hell you are talking about, Moderate, but I suspect you don’t either.

  4. That’s ok Cindy.

    I’ll help jog your memory.

    Remember when you said Ghandi was probably going to hell?

  5. This is almost as bad as Dan Duffy askeding Marty McLaughlin to get into the race for IL State Senate as the best qualified with the promise of his personal support only later shoving the political shiv in Marty’s back by inexplicably and without explanation supporting Dan McChonchie instead.

    I guess my point is there are prevaricators and opportunists on both sides of the political aisle!

  6. Moderate?

    Yes, I’m pretty sure Ghandi is in Hell.

    What does that have to do with what you are touting or the price of eggs in China?

    This is Cal’s mission on pointing out Frank’s lies.

    Why are you making me the important part of this piece with your putting words in other’s mouths?

    Have some dignity and get a clue what Cal s presenting here.

  7. I applaud Cal for keeping us all up to date on the DEMOCRAT Lying Jack Franks.

    Not always easy to keep track of a snake in the grass.

    I’m just thinking that when he has his name on the ballot twice people will think it’s a mistake and he’ll lose votes in both races as a result; maybe enough to end what has been a very lackluster carrier as Big Mike Madigan’s lap dog.

    Bye Bye Lying Jack the DEMOCRAT

  8. The Carpet bagger in his own home town brings nothing to the voters of McHenry County.

    He is a pure career politician. Back slapping, hand shaking, baby kissing, promise breaking and all.

    He is a key player in the Chicago, Springfield dem machine politics, who promises to reduce taxes, while we have the highest property taxes in the nation. His 18 years in office has seen the state go from solvent to bankrupt.

    Now he wants to have two elected positions and he has not been successful in the one he has.

    We don’t need his kind of “help” in OUR county.

  9. Jack Franks could do his part to advocate for lower taxes by advocating to reform pension and retiree healthcare benefits including those benefits he voted to hike as State Representative.

    Many such pension and retiree healthcare benefit hikes were underfunded or unfunded.

    Many such pension and retiree healthcare benefit hikes occurred at a time when the pension and retiree healthcare systems were already underfunded or unfunded.


    Not to mention the phony state budgets which were not truly balanced.

    There is a finite amount of taxpayer money that’s available at any given time for government spending.

    But, that was not the view taken by Springfield.

    Through phony state budgets pushing unpaid bills to next years budget, unfunded or underfunded pension and retiree healthcare benefit hikes which result in future tax hikes, and all sorts of other games, Illinois General Assembly (State Representatives and Senators) decisions impact the amount of money allocated to county governments and unfunded or underfunded mandates on county government.


    There are many taxpayer money funnels, with money going from taxpayers to Federal, State, and Local governments.

    And in turn money funnels going from Federal to State to Local.

    And money funnels going from State, to Local.

    All sorts of decisions Jack Franks made as a legislator impacted government spending in Illinois which has the worst funded pensions in the United States.

    Pensions being the single biggest fiscal problem in the state of Illinois.


    Jack Franks could support the Turnaround Agenda.

    But he does not.

    He largely calls the Turnaround Agenda union busting.

    So if we don’t scale back hikes many of which were not sustainable when passed, and we don’t hike taxes, how do the benefit hikes get funded?

    Many hikes and games were never clearly divulged to the taxpayer at the time they were passed.

    Lots of things are not clearly divulged to taxpayers and voters in the 63rd State Representative District.

    Jeffery Lichte did not clearly divulge his ties to Jack Franks and Democrats when he ran as Republican in he 63rd District Primary with all sorts of Democrat money poured into the race to smear the real Republican candidate, Steve Reick.

    Lots of interesting Democrat activities in the 63rd State Representative District this election cycle.

    Including current State Representative Jack Franks who said he’s not running for re-election as a State Representative, but as Democrat for McHenry County Board Chair.

    But Jack Franks has not withdrawn from the State Representative race, and mentioned to one small newspaper reporter that he would withdraw if a candidate appears whom Jack Franks deems is electable and holds views consistent with his own.

    So even if the Democrats find a State Representative candidate whom they believe is electable, that candidate also apparently has to pass Jack Franks scrutiny, before Jack Franks will withdraw?

    Who are the top 5 Democrats who are electable in the 63rd State Representative District, and hold views consistent with Jack Franks?

    Is there even one such candidate?


    How many newspapers prominently reported that Jack Franks could continue to run for both the Democrat 63rd District State Representative District and Democrat McHenry County Board Chair positions in the November 8, 2016 election, could be elected as both 63rd District State Representative and McHenry County Board Chair, and could server both posts?

    And after his State Representative 2017 – 2018 two year term expired, which would maximize the full accrual rate on his State Representative pension, he could continue to serve as McHenry County Board Chair, thus simultaneously drawing a county salary and state pension.

    That is an option.

    Or another Option is he could win both contests, and someone would be appointed to one of the posts.

    It seems those two options are at least as likely, if not more likely, than a Democrat surfacing in the next 5 months (approximately 150 days) as Democrat State Representative 63rd District whom Jack Franks believes is electable and holds views consistent with his own.


    How often do we have such a convoluted Illinois State Representative / County Board Chair political race with so many different options many not reported or slightly reported in the mainstream press.

    The average person misses a story or two in the mainstream press and they have no clue what is transpiring.

  10. Moderate?

    What kind of a crack is that?

    Aren’t you from the club that’s always screaming ‘none of your business’?

    (Talk about really stupid inane comments…)

  11. Moderate it sounds like you are self defining as a Bernie supporter.

    Clearly one of your great wisdom and insight would not stoop so low as to use ad hominem attacks against people with whom you disagree.

    Surely, you know that such attacks are the most obvious evidence of a weak mind and an unintelligent argument.

    Perhaps you need to go back and revisit the logic class you took in JR high.

  12. John,

    Are you really going to take the side of Cindy?

    She literally beloved Ghandi is in Hell.


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