Opposition to New CL Library Referendum Surfaces

Friday I noticed signs posted near the Crystal Lake Library that opposed building a new one.

They said, “Vote NO Library Referendum.”

Sign posted by opponent to the Crystal Lake Library $30.1 million bond advisory referendum.

Sign posted by opponent to the Crystal Lake Library $30.1 million bond advisory referendum.

The sign above is at the corner of Franklin and Wallace, right across from Crystal Lake Central High School.

There are others.  Saw them on McHenry Avenue south of Route 14 and on Dole Avenue next door to a Vote Yes sign.

People are invited to contact those who prepared the sign by emailing StopTheTrustees@gmail.com.


Opposition to New CL Library Referendum Surfaces — 17 Comments

  1. The referendum will get crushed at the polls, even without an opposition campaign.

  2. Anyone else concerned that CL Council will push it through even after the referendum is voted down?

  3. The problem here is, crushed or not, we will still be having this issue thrust down our throats.

    Similar to Oblablacare in how they will not listen to the taxpayers but tell us what we NEED and then ream us with it.

  4. Home Rule power gives them that ability.

    And if they don’t have strong opponents, they just might do it.

  5. “Library Referendum” ….

    Sounds more like “Library Fleecing of the Taxpayers”

    Wake up Sheeple! Resist the Fleecers!

  6. More importantly, who is paying for the ‘Pro-library fleecing the taxpayer’ signs????!!!!!

  7. **More importantly, who is paying for the ‘Pro-library fleecing the taxpayer’ signs????!!!!!**

    Well, you see, that’s actually public knowledge, and I believe that they have their legal disclosure language on their signs.

    These signs, on the other hand… there is no disclosure.

    And as far as I know there is no committee formed to oppose this non-binding referendum.

  8. Reasons to Vote No Library Referendum.

    1. No estimated annual payment schedule was given (principal, interest, total) for the lifetime of the proposed bonds.

    2. No estimated annual tax payment schedule was given for the lifetime of the proposed bonds.

    3. No estimated annual payment schedule has been given to fully fund the Crystal Lake Police pension fund.

    4. No estimated annual tax payment schedule has been given to fully fund the Crystal Lake Police pension fund.

    5. No estimated annual payment schedule has been given to fully fund the Crystal Lake Fire pension fund.

    6. No estimated annual tax payment schedule has been given to fully fund the Crystal Lake Fire pension fund.

    7. No estimated annual payment schedule has been given to fully fund the IMRF pension fund.

    8. No estimated annual tax payment schedule has been given to fully fund the IMRF pension fund.

    9. No estimated annual payment schedule (principal, interest, total) has been given for the lifetime of existing bonds.

    10. No estimated annual tax payment schedule has been given for the lifetime of existing bonds.

    12. The PMA Powerpoint presentation to the library / village has not been posted on the referendum website.

    PMA is the city’s financial advisory firm (the taxpayers don’t have a financial advisory firm).

    13. All of the technical details and financial information about the proposed library have not been posted on the referendum website.

    Instead, the referendum website is a cheerleader website.

  9. After attending the “Focus” group meetings, it became painfully obvious just how much this *new* library will be pushed through, taxpayer approval or not.

    Home rule would allow Council to approve a new building even though taxpayers say no – another feather in Council’s cap and contractors making $$.

    Cal is correct about the “Library Champion” signs being propaganda the past few years – the Library Board has done well in swaying public opinion.

    I truly wonder how many of the “YES!” voters actually realize what Mark outlines above about taxpayers on the hook for pension funds – this only adds to the pain.

    Wish my neighbors w/YES signs understood this.

  10. Not many voters know that home rule municipalities can issue non-referendum bonds.

    Such bonds do not require voter approval.

    The only limitation is that bonds must mature before forty years.

    For example, in May 2004 Wheaton sold $20.8 million in bonds to finance the expansion and renovation of the Wheaton Public Library.


    Citizen Advocacy Center

    Home Rule and You

    Summer, 2004


  11. If a committee spends less than $5,000, there is no reporting requirement.

    That’s how Jack Franks supporters get away with maligning his opponents right before elections.

  12. Guess you could ask the person at the other end of the email address.

  13. I also received a flyer on my door that explains the rationale behind the opposition including the length of time the current board members have served and how they use ‘home rule’ to skirt the good intent of the law.

    Very informative.

    I would like to see an open debate on this and am concerned that the City Council has no listening ear on this other than to use it to ‘prop’ up Crystal Lake with a ‘world class’ library.

    I do not seek such accolades and support prudent budgeting in lieu of wanton spending to look good.

    I am voting ‘no’

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