“Independent Real Estate PAC” Endorse Lying Jack Franks and Steve Reick

From LyingJackFranks.com.

From LyingJackFranks.com.

A Political Action Committee calling itself the “Independent Real Estate PAC” is making robo-calls.

Steve Reick

Steve Reick

It is not a committee registered with the Illinois State Board of Elections, so who knows whose behind it.

In any event, the phone call announces its endorsement for Lying Jack Franks (no, the message does not say that, but the mailing from a Realtors PAC did lie) for McHenry County Board Chairman and Republican State Rep. Steve Reick for State Representative.

= = = = =
If you get a robo-call tonight, please listen to it and email me what you hear.


“Independent Real Estate PAC” Endorse Lying Jack Franks and Steve Reick — 10 Comments

  1. I got one, it went something along the lines of, Jack Franks and Steve Reick being the best choices for McHenry County and to make your vote count tomorrow by voting for those two.

  2. Correct.

    And that is why Steve Reich, the best Republican to run for State Representative since Cal served, is running radio ads on Dan Proft’s and Joe Walsh’s radio shows linking himself to Jack Franks, as they are both “Good Guys”.

    Smart politics.

  3. In following the state rep race, I’ve come to the conclusion Reick is a low energy candidate who is expecting a victory based on the GOP affiliation of his campaign.

    This even as one of his mailers identifies him as someone picking up where Lying Jack Franks left off.

    This shows Bartman may be running stronger than Sleepy Steve would like.

    His passive endorsement of Franks over Walkup is an affront to the County party.

    If he loses the race, I don’t know that it will be a bad thing and if it does happen, he will have reaped what he sowed.

  4. The “new” Republican Central Committee sure has picked some sleepy folks, including Reick and Walkup.

    Neither has distinguished themselves in any public position.

    Both are relative newcomers.

  5. Nelson,Greenlee & JIM B, you three are
    Sitting there making armchair political
    Comments about Steve R & Mike W & guessing
    You haven’t even met them or gotten to
    Know them.

    Your comments are shallow and superficial.

  6. Newcomers are a good thing!

    But I’m not impressed by Reick; he’s definitely coming off as a good ‘ol boy.

    But he’s better than Bartman and his vote for Madigan

  7. Agree about newcomers, but the night
    before the election their comments
    Are too derogatory.

  8. I find the ignorance of my fellow citizens very disturbing.

    “The “new” Republican Central Committee sure has picked some sleepy folks, including Reick and Walkup. ”

    The Republican Central Committee had absolutely NOTHING to do with anyone running as a Republican.

    Remember Lichte?

    Anyone can run as a Republican or Democrat in this state.

    The voters chose Reick over Lichte and they chose Walkup over Gottemoller!!

    Until we get better candidates to run for office and improve the knowledge level of voters, our decline as a world power will continue.

  9. The real issue is that the Goode Olde Boyz put up a hack like Gottmoller and even a RINO like Walkup could beat him in the Primary.

    Obviously, this community needs better candidates.

  10. Watchdog: I have not said anything bad about Walkup in this race or criticized him in a number of years.

    He has won me over.

    I stand, however, by what I observe of Reick.

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