Message of the Day – A Float

Springbrook Church had a float in the Lake in the Hills Parade.

Springbrook Church attracted attention at the Lake in the Hills Labor Day Weekend Parade with a Willie Wonka themed float.

Springbrook Church attracted attention at the Lake in the Hills Labor Day Weekend Parade with a Willy Wonka themed float.

Oompa-Loompas were passing out literature.

Perhaps the subliminal message was that attendance at Springbrook would lead to disappearance of character flaws.


Message of the Day – A Float — 10 Comments

  1. Subtle symbolism and hidden satanic references is always a good choice for a church to support.

    The orange slaves promotion is a nice touch, too.

  2. You missed the point entirely, CP.

    We are ALL brainwashed into watching this crap.

    And you’re just watching teevee.

    You’re not buying into any of the Satanic crap.


    You ARE being brainwashed. I have family members that actually believe the hocus pocus they put out on the history channel.

    You are ALL being brainwashed.

    This movie is a prime example.

    And here’s a church that does NOT EVEN see it for what it truly is.

    This is why humanity is going downhill.

    The people of the Earth have become so stupid and brainwashed that they have forgotten how to think for themselves.

    All just harmless fun, huh?

  3. I know they have Prozac and other meds that may help.

    Hope you find something to help you, Cindy.

  4. How dare you you POS!

    Nobody attacked you! Y

    ou make me sck you fruitbat!

    This is exactly how they have brainwashed the masses to be so STUPID that you attack someone that is telling you the truth. Get behind me SATAN!

  5. Cindy, I was joking about the Prozac and I apologize for that as it obviously upset you.

    As I have stated before, I am a self-confessed conspiracy theorist.

    But sometimes, two dogs are having sex in front of your house not because the government is trying to overpopulate the world with dogs but because its what dogs do.

    Also, self-righteousNess is never becoming and is usually masking something.

  6. That was no joke!

    I am very old and very sick and have had seven deaths in the family recently.

    I’m in no mood to be talked down to by the likes of you!

    Shame on you!

    APologize to someone else.

    That was the MOST insincere apology I have ever heard.

    Speaking the truth hurts you, apparently.

    Wise up and treat others with respect or you will get none for yourslf!

  7. Sorry about your ill-health but in all honesty you are not helping your well-being by believing all the garbage you read on the iinternet

    Look for the light, not the dark and always ask yourself What would Jesus do, not Alex Jones or his ilk.

  8. CP? You are a fake!

    Mobody but the CIA and progressives uses that phrase.

    You probably have one of those fake Satanic fish symbols on your car, too!

    Pray for discernnment and quit listening to Alex Jones, you goofball!

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