Rachael Lawrence Kicking Off Algonquin Township Trustee Campaign Day Trump Sworn In

A newcomer to the polltical arena, Rachael Lawrence, is kicking off her campaign for Algonquin Township Trustee at Crystal Lake’s Pablo’s Restaurant from 11-3 on Friday, Janduay 20th.

That’s when Donald Trump is being sworn in as President of the United States and into the parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Invitation to Algonqunin Township Trustee candidate Rachael Lawrence’s fundraiser on Friday, January 20th.

Lawrence says,

“Raffles will be held for various gift cards, Trump campaign memorabilia, local business donations, and a 50/50 raffle.

“It includes Pablo’s unlimited taco bar, great coverage of the inaugural activities, and exclusive drink specials for attendees.”

Lawrence’s web page is here.

She is a Republican Precinct Committeeman in Algonquin 3 in rural Cary.

When asked why she got involved, she replied,

Rachael Lawrence

“I suppose some pertinent information could include that I’m a newcomer to the political arena, having been inspired by local young conservatives who are tiring of the new age political correctness claiming my generation like a zombie apocalypse.

“The turning point that really engaged me was when I attended the disastrous Trump rally at UIC in Chicago and saw firsthand how far those in power would go to prevent him from being elected.

“That had me asking ‘WHY?’

“I spent countless hours down the rabbit hole researching policies, records, scandals, and issues facing the country.

“While volunteering for the Trump IL campaign, I was selected to work as arena staff at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland over the summer, which was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my lifetime.

“I met Trump as well as several other prominent figures who encouraged me to take an active role whenever possible.

Republican National Convention

“At some point, I had the epiphany that I should spend just as much effort in my local government as I had been in national politics.

Rachael Lawrence signed the Illinois sign.

“You see, younger generations like mine tend to have the complacency that assumes if they aren’t born into a political family or attended Stanford, they won’t make a difference in the world.

“In my eyes, that’s part of the reason we have family dynasties (both on local and national levels), because the narrative is pushed unto us that no “one person” can make a difference.

“That there is a ‘political class’ and ‘the rest of us.’

“I reject that wholeheartedly, and believe that it is precisely WE THE PEOPLE who have the responsibility to educate ourselves and take an interest in running our experiment in democracy.

“Over this past year, I became a Precinct Committeeman and attended fundraisers for candidates I believe in, meeting the ‘who’s who’ of McHenry County along the way.

“That’s why I’m running for Trustee of Algonquin township, and that’s why I’m dedicating myself to studying township code, Robert’s rules, and the history of my township, among other topics.

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty and Rachael Lawrence.

“I believe any honest, competent individual with good intent and a thirst for knowledge can make an excellent public servant–just as the role was intended.

“As a trustee, I plan to use my attention to detail, quick wit, and always-questioning personality to serve the taxpayers of my township to the best of my abilities.

“I appreciate law and order, and will promote transparency.

“It’s important to me that no constituent feels left out of their own government.

“Some priorities of mine may be to find ways to encourage more public engagement with the township government, as well as ensure that state law regarding township code is being adhered to every step of the way.”


Rachael Lawrence Kicking Off Algonquin Township Trustee Campaign Day Trump Sworn In — 2 Comments

  1. Edgar County Watchdogs, Open the Books, Illinois Comptroller Data Warehouse, and the Better Government Association are good resources.

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