Bob Miller Endorsements

Bill Prim

Bob Miller has an extensive list of endorsers listed on his webpage.  Some of the notables include Sheriff Bill Prim, Senator Pamala Althoff, State Representative Barbara Wheeler, and retired State Representative Michael Tryon.

Bob Miller is being challenged by County Board Member and Algonquin Township Republican Party Chairman Andrew Gasser.  Miller has not had a serious primary challenger since he won election in 1993.

As of now Gasser has not been endorsed by anyone, or if he has, he has not made any announcements about them.


Bob Miller Endorsements — 19 Comments

  1. Bill Prim works with all the Road Commissioners in the County, I think he knows what works and what doesn’t. My feeling, If it is not broke, don’t fix it, otherwise you might be opening up a new can of worms.

  2. And here’s another list of the Miller’s “special significant” friends.

    Gee, do you think the roads will still get plowed and garbage thrown out….er, recycled, a room signed out for yoga, and a pot hole filled, without the Miller family business and their special friends?

    Go Andrew Gasser!

  3. Yoga is a function of the Supervisor, not Road district.
    The two names that stick out the most to me are the Lowe’s.
    One ran against Del and the other Bob, yet they both support Bob instead of the Dude with no practical road experience.

  4. I am really disappointed by the endorsements for Miller because what it says to me is a win for old cronies and the hiring of relatives. This is never ever good for any tax paying citizen. Very disappointed

  5. Standfortruth
    why would a list of names decide the outcome? How many people do you think are out there who were waiting for this chance to evict the Millers? And, for some of those names in the Miller endorsements, just maybe it was easier to say Yes than have the goons at their door to intimidate them. Some of those names might vote No Miller and Yes for Gasser.

  6. I have seen several comments that were posted and now taken down, I have never known Cal to do this. Is Cal out of town and someone else is working the blog? I will find out, if this is true, and someone is editing the comments, Cal will get to the bottom of it.

  7. sure all those career politicians endorse Miller. They want to learn how they can be just like him. Overpaid and a lifetime in one job, hire your family to enrich your own household income and joke about it!

    Always remember this quote: “you say nepotism like it’s a bad thing, heh heh”
    (because for him it’s not at all!)

    He’s running the most expensive township in the county! Setting his own salary along with setting Multiple family members overblown salaries is just part of it!

    Time for a fresh face who won’t hire family, cut spending and not take advantage of Algonquin Township taxpayers!


  8. Seeing imaginary things again? Cal is overworked as it is. He doesn’t have the time to go over each post and manage the playpen. Call the NSA and see what they have done with those ethereal posts.

  9. For anotherwatcher: Be patient and the answer to your question will be revealed.

  10. Prim ought not to have gotten involved ….. Same with “Sen.” Althoff

    Shame on them!

  11. I heard that Mr. Gasser worked on Mr. Prim’s campaign. It is quite telling that Sheriff Prim does not have confidence enough in mr. Gasser to endorse him. Mr. Prim is not a career politician, is he? I have read his resume and didn’t see anything to indicate that unless I missed something. I have heard many great things about Sheriff Prim’s work and respect him. I think I will take his lead on this and support Mr. Miller, unless some reason why my logic is incorrect.

  12. Luci, you must be new to Algonquin township to be unaware of the Miller family empire that will continue another generation.
    If long time, big name politicians endorse someone, run!
    Need new blood in McHenry County at every level.

  13. I am new. But, Bill Prim is not a career politician. He is a very honorable man as I understand.

  14. High management positions involve politics to move forward agendas, budgets, purchases, and so on.
    Chiefs and Sheriffs are basically politicians.
    Mr. Prim, as such, will endorse those who will be the most beneficial to him (and/or the others he also needs) to achieve his goals.
    Has nothing to do with honor, just needs.

  15. Luci, please. Just the opposite. Wow. You really ask that question based on the comment?

    I voted for Prim. Do not know him personally, but I trust the opinions of people I know that have worked with him and do know him.

  16. If he in fact did this, it is a really bad decision to endorse any Miller. The others, I have no doubt are all in the bag for Millers. They are less than useless.

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