Rep. Steve Andersson Signals Support for Tax Increases

One of the prices of being in a leadership position in the Illinois General Assembly is that one has to take votes of which one’s constituents probably disapprove.

In the Kane CountyChronicle article about a Town Hall Meeting held in Geneva by State Rep. Steve Andersson, the reporter writes,

Steve Andersson

Andersson supports various plans to create a sustainable budget, one that is “a real budget, not a fake budget, not a feel-good budget.”

Raising the personal income tax rate to 4.95 percent and the corporate tax rate to 7 percent, along with some other taxes, would help shore up the state’s need for revenue to pay its bills, its pensions and support its programs, Andersson said.

“I do not want to raise taxes, but I was hired by you to govern,” Andersson said. “If we do not do something, we will fail as a state in a year.”


Rep. Steve Andersson Signals Support for Tax Increases — 7 Comments

  1. Another RINO traitor who has yet to learn or acknowledge why all the people
    are running out of Illinois in record numbers with each passing year.
    See all those house for sale signs, Stevie boy ?

  2. Hourlong presentation on why he’s weak and ineffective.

    Ending with the usual Springfield creative solution, of needing more of your money, to burn in the Public Sector trash barrel.


  3. Alternative headline:

    Rep. Steve Andersson Signals Support for Reality

  4. when will they start to eliminate pensions?

    They are a drag on the economy and a unnecessary load for the taxpayer to bear.

    Let the people get their own 401 or suffer when they get old.

  5. An actual moderate Republican with a brain in Illinois?

    Watch for Steve to get primaried by God Rauner next year…

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