Attorney Robert Hanlon Reveals He Bills Algonquin Township Only for Local 150 Union Case

Robert Hanlon, attorney for Algonquin Township Road Commissioner Andrew Gasser, has written a letter to Gasser explaining that he has not billed for work in the case of Gasser v. Lukasik, Miller and Miller.

He is billing for the challenge to the Operating Engineers’ and former Algonquin Township Road Commissiener Bob Miller’s have signed a contract that runs from just before the term of Gasser began to just after it ends.

Letter revealing pro bono nature of his representation of Andrew Gasser in records suit.

The end of the letter says, “Please remit Payment in the amount of $0.00 for the matter of Gasser v. Lukasik.”


Attorney Robert Hanlon Reveals He Bills Algonquin Township Only for Local 150 Union Case — 14 Comments

  1. WHOA!!!

    Now this is a guy that works tirelessly to get justice served!

    This is absolutely amazing.

  2. Lets see GOOCH the MOOCH top That!!!

    My kid’s Eight ball says “Highly Doubtful” and it’s never wrong.

    What will all the whiners of tax dollars for the investigation probe have to say now?

    I guess their only option will be to whine about the legal fees Bob Miller and Klan are costing them, (and have been all along!)

  3. On behalf of the Algonquin Township Taxpayers, Thank you, Atty Robert Hanlon.

    A gift of justice is a gift unparalleled.

    Hanlon for President!!

  4. Christmas came early to Algonquin township taxpayers!

    AMerry Christmas to Robert Hanlon.

    This is so outstanding.

  5. Lorna, don’t count on it.

    GOOCH the MOOCH is a douche.

    Just when I thought it couldn’t get more interesting – it did!

  6. Once again the finger points to Miller!

    Why did the rat unionize AFTER he lost??!!

  7. Ho Hum.

    About a dozen no bodies rant and rave and call them names but they are still all ignored.

    Ho Hum

  8. Hi Joe, having fun throwing rocks today aren’t ya!

    The letter backs up what Andrew has said, so tax payers should stop beating up on Andrew for lawyer costs related to that lawsuit.

    I always thought that was over the top unjustifed nonsense by some.

    Will future legal action in this lawsuit be billed to the township?

    “He is billing for the challenge to the Operating Engineers’ and former Algonquin Township Road Commissiener Bob Miller’s have signed a contract that runs from just before the term of Gasser began to just after it ends.”

    When is the next court date for that lawsuit, what is the running total to date on legal costs, and what new info is going to be offered to get the judge to reverse the present ruling?

  9. boy 0h boy

    9f all this is true I wonder what your friends and neighbors think of you,

  10. Wait, Hanlon racks up over 200k in legal bills and claims it’s for only the union work where’s he’s only done research.

    The case was dismissed and the judge was kind enough to let him refile within 20 days, after telling him he will lose either way.

    He’s milking the case, the township and AG.

  11. And if not for Bob Miller and Klan, none of these legal bills would even be necessary.

  12. Fedup, Hanlon charges less than GOOCH. So until we hear you complain about those more expensive legal bills, your claim won’t even be acknowledged.

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