Precinct Committeemen Petition Challenges

There were Republican Precinct Committeeman candidates who had their petitions challenged in two townships

  • McHenry Township\
  • Nunda Township

When that happens, one can usually assume that there is a contest for Republican Central Committee Chairman.

The Nunda Township challenges will be heard by the McHenry County Electoral Board on Thursday, December 21st at 9 AM.

The McHenry Township challenges will take place on Thursday, December 28th, at 9 AM.

I obtained the challenge of the petition filed by McHenry Grade School Board member Erik Sivertsen .

I print Sivertsen’s petition so folks can view the format of a petition challenge and to show what Sivertsen found wrong with former McHenry Township Road Commissioner Leon Van Every’s petition.

Van Every has 16 signatures, 11 of which are from outside the precinct.

One is from the middle of Johnsburg, and another almost all the way at the southern end of Wonder Lake.

McHenry Township precinct lines are shown below:


Precinct Committeemen Petition Challenges — 6 Comments

  1. Leon Van Emery was a Township Roadway stooge before Condon.

    What a douche!

  2. Who does Sivertsen think he is?

    The laws don’t apply to the van Every’s of the world.

    He’s a township pensioner to whom we must bow and scrape.

    But what did he do when he was in ‘office.”? Did he ever work? He took lessons form Bobby Miller of Algonquin ‘fame.”

  3. ‘Swordfish’, van Every was a typical township plutocrat. He couldn’t get a job in the real world of competition and performance.

    My question is why he left? How did Condon replace him?

    He got paid a prince’s salary and golden benefits off the working people of his township.

    In sum, he latched onto a plum do-nothing job at our expense.

    What was the sweet deal?

    There’s always a crooked deal with townships.

    Until the Trustees of Mchenry Township booted the pigeons and are now making statewide waves.

  4. Van Every is a good and sincere fellow, who served McHenry Township verty well!

    This blog should be sued for slander.

    Sivertsen is a well known blowhard who thinks he knows everything.

    Obviously he wants the ballot just to be printed with his name.

    Wow, another right wing extremist!

    But he owns a little gun shop.

    Ohhhhh I’m scared!

  5. Swordfish(Bob Anderson?) and OldManWinter (Bill Cunningham?) need to start doing work as McHenry Township Trustees.

    BTW, work does don’t involve writing slanderous and mean lies on this blog.

    Get a life!

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