Rauner Polls

That’s my guess after listening to all the questions asked by Victory Processing tonight.

Here are the topics covered in order:

  1. Likelihood of voting in the General Election
  2. Party identification
  3. Favorability of  Bruce Rauner
  4. Favorability of J.B. Pritzker
  5. Primary preference (including none)
  6. GOP primary preference, Rauner, someone else, Ives
  7. Candidate favored in General Election
  8. Age
  9. Gender
  10. Race
  11. In Spanish speaking household
  12. How voted in past elections
  13. Opinion of President Trump
  14. Opinion of Rauner
  15. Favor voting for Rauner who will stand up to Mike Madigan or Pritzker, who will be influence by Madigan
  16. Issues – Real estate tax
  17. Issues – Drugs and crime
  18. Issues – Gun rights
  19. Issues – Protecting abortion rights for women
  20. Most important of the above issues
  21. Source of political news:  TV news, newspapers, national cable, talk radio, social media, blogs


Rauner Polls — 4 Comments

  1. There is a question/name that is curiously missing here.

    What about the favorability/opinion of Jeanne Ives for governor Vs. RINO/TRAITOR/COWARD Rauner?

  2. Cal

    What were Rauner’s poll results in your county?

    Bob Winchester

  3. Just got the questions, not the results of the poll.

    Good to hear from the man who had THE BEST radio ad for State Rep. ever:

    “Bob Winchester. Single shot for Southern Illinois.”

    For readers who don’t remember how State Rep.s were elected prior to Pat Quinn’s 1982 Cutback Amendment, each district had three State Reps.

    Usually, there were two from the majority party and one from the minority party.

    Bob Winchester captured the minority party seat in the southernmost district in Illinois.

    As I remember, he was the only State Rep. who got more votes than I did in that year.

  4. really cant see Rauner winning.

    Maybe there the me vs Madigan tact will work however he will lose at least 10% of his past voters.

    I guarantee my household is not voting him in(-4 votes) I’d rather have the Dems burn the State down quickly than allow another 4 years of the Rauner slow burn.

    Same result just longer cycle. Besides it will convince my significant other to leave sooner than we agreed to.

    The savings in Income tax alone will more than pay several airline tickets a year back home to visit her parents and we can join her siblings down south. The reduced property taxes will fund a much more comfortable home.

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