Raving About Andy’s Liver and Bacon

I was a member of the informal Liver Lovers Luncheon Club at the First United Methodist Church of Crystal Lake.

We tried restaurants from Crystal Lake and Woodstock and agreed that the best liver could be had at Andy’s Family Restaurant on Route 14 near the intersection of Dole Avenue.

So, that’s where my wife and I went for lunch after church.

Liver and extra crispy bacon at Andy’s Family Restaruant in Crystal Lake.

She knew I went for the liver.

When proprietress Angie saw me she told me she was out of liver…then she smiled.

Later she said I had to see how her brother cut the veins out of the liver–something other restaurants we tried did not.


Raving About Andy’s Liver and Bacon — 10 Comments

  1. Sunshine blogger, please clarify that is not cat’s liver. Do not force me to call DCFS (Department of Cat and Feline Services). Stay tuned…tic, tock, meow, meow…

  2. When I saw this article, I thought it was something Bob Miller, or one of his township stooges, was complaining about Gasser. Yes, they would like his liver!

  3. Not only does Angie’s brother cut the veins out of the liver, Louie makes the best clam chowder in the County every Friday am.

  4. I’m in the Private Sector, so I used my extra bi weekly,$3 Trump Tax savings and bought a box of on sale, closeout Aldi breakfast cereal and a bag of Pop Rocks.

  5. At least in the private sector, your 401k will be making money again after all these years of stagnation.
    But, it is time to fix the pension crisis in IL.
    The reason all these candidates want to be judges is the incredible pension.

  6. You have noted that Demetri says he won’t enroll in the judicial pension system, I assume.

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