Will Judicial Candidates Joel Berg, Mary McClellan and Robert Wilbrandt Vote to Allow Cameras in Courtrooms?

Friday, McHenry County Blog reported on the positions of three candidates for judicial posts.

Saying they favor cameras in the courtroom were

  • Ray Flavin
  • Demetri Tsilimigras

Unwilling to say, “yes,” was Tiffany Davis.

Robert Wilbrandt is in a four-way race against Ray Flavin, Mary McClellan, Demetri Tsilimigas and Mary McClellan.

Not that it’s a big deal to voters, but there some trials where a photo might be of interest.

With two seats up, one might think the Northwest Herald might be taking a strong interest.

Joel Berg, running against Tiffany Davis in roughly the western half of McHenry County.

Mary McClellan is in a four-way race against Ray Flavin, Demetri Tsilimigas and Robert Wilbrandt.

Maybe that will be a factor in the paper’s endorsements.

McHenry County Blog will be quite willing to publicize any judicial candidate willing to commit to allowing judges in McHenry County to allow cameras in their courtrooms, if they are willing.


Will Judicial Candidates Joel Berg, Mary McClellan and Robert Wilbrandt Vote to Allow Cameras in Courtrooms? — 4 Comments

  1. Given the pivotal nature of this issue, this must be a litmus test for voters before casting our vote in support of any judicial candidate. I demand the candidates’ position on whether or not they consider having our sunshine blogger in the court room. Our entire democracy, republic, and way of life is on the balance right now. I yield the floor…tic, tock, flash, flash, meow, meow, tic, tock…

  2. Criminal justice issues are very important, Angel.

    Giving voters information about candidates’ positions is also valuable.

    The fact that you’re a liberal yet you’re joking about serious issues like who is going to be the next judge shows how un-serious of a person you are.

  3. Wilbrandt? maybe not.

    Berg, probably.


    Probably against taping of any kind.

    It would catch her saying/doing something really stupid OR WORSE!

    She referred to the Gubernatorial Election as the “GOOBER NATIONAL Election” during a County Board Meeting while talking about all the changes she’s making to our polling places.

    I almost fell off my chair laughing. Her stupidity and crudeness are astounding.

    Thinking of making that snippet my cell phone’s Ringtone LOL

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