McHenry County Townships’ Taxes and Spending

The Illinois State Comptroller has a data base contacting information about tax districts throughout Illinois.

Today we look at expenditures and revenues for McHenry County’s seventeen townships.

A map of McHenry County showing its seventeen townships, plus municipalities. It is dated 2013.

McHenry County’s townships’expenditures and revenue for 2017.

From looking at the above figures, one can see that some townships seem to be spending down surpluses and others are levying more than they seem to  need, probably increasing their financial balances.


McHenry County Townships’ Taxes and Spending — 6 Comments

  1. Obsessed with salaries? You’ve come to the right place. 194 days. Stay tuned…tic, tock, tic, tock, tic, tock, meow, meeeeeoooooowwwwwww…

  2. McHenry’s figures got left out.

    Expenditures were 5,962,160, while revenue was 5,200,288.

  3. In Alden Township It is necessary to save money for a couple of years to do any repaving of roads.

    In non-paving years the income will be higher than expenditures.

    The next paving year the expenditures will increase.

  4. Preston is correct.

    I’ll be glad to support a township official who tells the truth.

    That’s why the officials of Nunda, McHenry and Algonquin (some of them, current and former) I won’t support, but do condemn.

  5. If officials like Mr. Rhea want to really help townships, they should likewise condemn the criminality of the above-listed township crooks. If for nothing else but to contain the wave of public distrust, exasperation and fury of the much-abused taxpaying ‘bumpkins’ as Iron Mike (Nunda Road hog) put it.

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