Woman Tells Cary Police of “Harassment by Electronic Communication” by Another Woman

Here’s an interesting April 22, 2018, Cary Police Department “incident/offense report.”

The subject?

“Harassment by electronic communication.”

There are lots of blank spots and no names are given, but the text says that “threats via message and Facebook.”

The person complaining reported that she had filed a defamation of character suit and broken off contact with the person.

The Cary Police Officer informed the person complaining that the image received “did not consist of  a threat of harassment.”

The officer did say that the person who sent the images would be called and “direct her to stop all communications with her.”

The woman who sent the messages considered a threat said it must have been sent by mistake and that she wouldn’t contact the Cary woman except through her attorney.  She asked that the Cary woman also only make contact through her counsel.


Woman Tells Cary Police of “Harassment by Electronic Communication” by Another Woman — 8 Comments

  1. Sounds like another chapter of “McHenry Democrats Airing Dirty Laundry In Court”.

  2. A ‘legal council’? Isn’t one attorney enough for something as picayune as this?

    Why cant the Kary Keystone Kops start enforcing the town’s ordinance’s against nonrelated people jam-packing a home with 30+ people living in an ordinary home. Are they illegal aliens? You betcha!

    and they hotsheet day and night. Parking is a “much problem” … but who cares, the Kary Keystone Kops don’t give a damn … the illiterate Kops spend hours on the most trivial of matters.
    That’s their motto: “Protect and Serve Us, People!

  3. Kooky people… both of them, the ‘victim’ and the ‘poster girl.’

    Many times the ‘victim’ set the whole thing up.

    That’s my experience.

    Were the two lovebirds once? —that’ll do it!

  4. If the lefties were smart they could hold a MMA cage match findraiser netween Karie Barber and Nancy Zetteler.

    They would make a small fortune. Im not even a democrap and I would pay decent money to watch that.

  5. Really, this is a story?

    Such sensitive people these days……..

  6. What is in the water in Cary? The speculation of who the parties could be is endless, but my first thought was the same as Abe’s.

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