County Board Members Walk Out of Meeting As Jack Franks Chastizes Joe Tirio

Following up on the Illinois Integrity (sic) Fund smear campaign of Joe Tirio after its printer’s loss in court last week, I’m told that McHenry County Board Chairman Jack Franks’ comments were so off the wall that Board members walked out of the room.

Wanting to hear and see what went on, I went to the meeting portal and clicked on the list of McHenry County Board meetings.

Then, I went to “media” for the September 13th meeting and clicked.

Here’s what I saw at 2:20 on the that page:

The recording is not available.

It could “not be loaded.”

Guess who has the power to make such media disappear?

Might that be Jack Franks?

This is how the Church Lady would react to the disappearance of the McHenry County Board’s video with negative images of Jack Franks.

As the Church Lady would say on Saturday Night Live,

“Isn’t that Special?”


County Board Members Walk Out of Meeting As Jack Franks Chastizes Joe Tirio — 12 Comments

  1. I know a guy who could recover the video if it was ever posted.

    All it would take is 13 brave Republican County Board Members to say enough and they could recover the media.

    Feel free to call – I’ll connect you up.

    They find all sorts of things.



    Video Games.


  2. Now there is NO media link at all.

    If government records were on blockchain, there would be no way for insiders to erase or ‘disappear’ records; records would be indelible, permanent, immutable.

    I understand that Tirio might be somewhat an expert on blockchain applications for the County Recorder office.

    If that skill is applied in Recorder and then County Clerk Offices, it would present a threat to those who would prefer no immutable records of words and actions be kept.

  3. I see no “media” link on sept. 13 9 am COW meeting at County Board meeting calendar.

  4. In The Not So Immortal words of that a****** that hangs out on this blog: tick tock tick tock.

    Next thing you know Jack’s going to start sounding like Hillary and this’ll all be just one big vast right-wing conspiracy.

  5. gasser, you have time for this type of stuff, but you can’t attend Board meetings, develop clothing polices, or monitor your staffs’ expenditures. More to come.

  6. The almighty Jackass strikes again.

    I bet nothing will be said by the northworst herald about this.

  7. So how about reporting on what happened….who walked out…..and why

  8. Is there a transcript about what the Chairman said about Tirio?

  9. Why is Franks so mad at Tirio for trying to get answers about possible campaign finance violations?

  10. Haha well that complaint was dropped like a hot potato by the State board of Elections.

    Maybe Franks doesn’t want Tirio to find out who the IL Integrity fund is?

    As far as his ‘press release and his badgering of Tirio during the board meeting, Franks knew the answers.

    Tirio put in for a fee study over 6 mo.s ago to reduce fees.

    Franks outrage is political theatre to get NWHerald headlines and make it look like he cares about the taxpayers. (all while leaving 5,500 Homeowners Out of Franks $100 Valley Hi Rebate Vote Buying Scheme)

    His tax cut-is a fraud.

    It’s only an abatement.

    Citizens were fooled again by this kabuki actor.

    Tirio kept every political promise he ever made and then some.

    That makes Franks look bad.

    Franks therefore has a real hard-on for Tirio.

    And Franks has no authority to chastise any other elected official or employee of another elected official.

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