Minutes of the Secret Meeting of Algonquin Township Board Discuss Tax Protest Settlement

Algonquin’s Township Clerk Karen Lukasik hasn’t bothered to post the minutes released by the Board at its Friday, January 25, 2019, Special Meeting, but you can see them below:

Here is a version easier to read:

The board of Town Trustees met at the office of the Township at 3702 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake Illinois on Wednesday, January 9th at 8:45 p.m. The following were in attendance:

Supervisor: Charles Lutzow
Trustee: Dan Shea
Trustee: Dave Chapman
Trustee: Melissa Victor
Trustee: Rachael Lawrence
Clerk: Karen Lukasik
Township Attorney: James Kelly

Attorneys Stacy Shelly and Troy Lunquist were also in attendance Supervisor Lutzow opened the closed session meeting at 8:45 p.m. in the upstairs board room to discuss litigation.

A roll call vote was taken and the following individuals were present: Lutzow, Lukasik, Chapman, Shea, Victor, Lawrence and Kelly and two attorneys, Stacy Shelly and Troy Lunquist, representing the Township and Road District in Tax Objection cases 16 TX 30 and 17 TX 11.

Mr. Lundquist stated the plaintiff’s attorney, Tim Dwyer, demanded a response to the settlement proposal which was scheduled for answer by tomorrow in the amount of [redacted].

Lundquist recommended that the Road District and Township share the settlement costs proportionately.

The board determined to accept the proposed settlement.

Mr. Lundquist stated that he would need agreement from the Road District.

He then left the closed session to call the Road District attorney Hanlon to discuss the proposed settlement.

After speaking to Hanlon and Gasser, he returned to the closed session meeting and asked if the Township Attorney and Lutzow could speak with Gasser and Hanlon on the phone alone.

The board did not support this.

Lunquist explained that Gasser agreed to speak to Lutzow alone if the Township Attorney was not present.

The board did not support this.

Lundquist stated he is close to withdrawing from the case because he does not feel comfortable with this anymore.

He also says he is only the messenger.

Mr. Lundquist advised he would go back and talk to Gasser and Hanlon and verify that they agreed for him to relay the message they proposed to the board.

Lundquist returned and Gasser/Hanlon gave him explicit permission to disclose their conversation.

Lundquist then disclosed that Gasser and Hanlon would only agree to the settlement if the following three demands were met.

  1. Go back into open session and approve all Road District bills.
  2. Gasser’s complete budget will be “restored”, (or increased by $100,000.00).
  3. Board will agree to a settlement conference for pending litigations.

The board discussed these demands and did not agree.

Lawrence stated it would be unlawful for the Board to meet these demands and the Board rejected said demands.

Shea reiterated that the offer the board made toward the settlement stands.

Gasser and Hanlon are asking to obtain legislative action outside of the view of the public.

When Lundquist left the closed session meeting once again to relay the rejection by the board of Gasser and Hanlon’s demands, Kelly stated that Gasser/Hanlon recommendation greatly exceeds the scope of the financial terms of the case.

Kelly continues to discuss [Long redaction.]

Lundquist returns to the closed session with the board and states there is no agreement from Gasser/Hanlon and that his firm will have to withdraw as counsel.

The board adjourned at 10:15 P.M. to return to open session.

Karen Lukasik
Algonquin Township Clerk
Date: January 25, 2019

= = = = =
It is obvious that the Township Board and its attorneys have realized that the Township has taken too much money from taxpayers in the year or years in question.

Algonquin Township Board in 2018.

Algonquin Township Board in 2015.

What is strange is that this Board is unwilling to discuss the overtaxation of its predecessor in public.

The Algonquin Township Board in 2012.

That is strange because the last Board did not go behind closed doors to discuss the court action.

Related articles follow:


Minutes of the Secret Meeting of Algonquin Township Board Discuss Tax Protest Settlement — 2 Comments

  1. What’s up with redaction.

    Should Kelly be charged with malfeasance or malpractice?

  2. With Mr Lutzow in charge, assisted by Karen Lukasic and the ever-stumbling Kelly, Algonquin township is truly a doomed entity.

    ——— a (town)ship of fools!

    Three cheers for Kirk Allen for exposing the taxing idiots.

    Bob Miller was a real rogue, but Lutzow is a bird-brained dodo.

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