Blackface – Then and Now

All the blackface stories have brought back memories from my childhood in Easton, Maryland.

Easton was a segregated town of about 5,000 people where my father was chosen in an uncontested special election as President of the Town Council when his predecessor resigned.

As I walked the couple of blocks to my elementary school from 212 South Aurora Street I could see a black neighborhood on my right.

I wondered where they went to school.

One night my family attended an Elks Club variety show at the Armory. (An earlier article in which I mentioned this called it a ‘minstral show”.)

I figure that as an elected official with an office downtown, my father got pressured into buying tickets.

One of the acts were guys in blackface.

It was so strange (actually ridiculous) that it is the only thing I remember from the show.

That was 65-70 years ago. I would have been in first through fourth grade.

My only contact with what were then called “colored people” was the daughter of my mother’s cleaning lady.

We pushed each other on the awesome swing that my father built.

We moved to Salt Lake City in 1953 before the U.S. Supreme Court ordered desegregation.

Talbot County’s school system (the schools were under the County Board) decided to comply with the edict by integrating one grade a year starting with first grade.

(There was no public kindergarten. My little sister went to a private school for that.)

Reading Life Magazine one week in Utah, I saw a photo of the front of the school with news that a small bomb had been set off at the back door, where the first and second grade pupils entered.

An indication that someone didn’t approve of integrating the schools.

From Virginia Democratic Party Governor Ralph Northam’s med school yearbook page.

Today, we have Ralph Northam, the Democratic Party Governor of Virginia, under pressure to resign, because on his school yearbook page there are students in blackface and a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood.

The Secretary of State appointed by Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis just resigned because a photo of him in blackface showed up.

There are calls for Virginia’s Governor to resign.

He now is claiming that he not one of the two beer drinkers in the photo.

If he does resign, however, there will be irony at work.

His Lieutenant Govenror is a black man.


Blackface – Then and Now — 17 Comments

  1. Racism is a sad and disgusting part of our not-so-distant history in this country.

    #MAGA harkens back to a time when this was “okay” and “accepted”.


  2. As to MAGA, this is a ploy often used by the left.

    If you scream, “Racism” over and over it becomes the truth.

    The real racists are Al Sharpton and his ilk living lavish lifestyles off the backs of the people he pretends to help.

  3. Suburban RINO #MAGA refers to a time of racism?


    I have a MAGA Hat.

    Am I a racist?

    Given your keen ability to read hearts and minds, can you tell me what number I’m thinking in my head?

    I’m sure this is more political sound bite puking on your part, but is a good opportunity for instruction.

    I believe this speaks to your prejudice and your world view.

    It is called projection.

    I do not pretend to know what is in your heart however you are sharing your thoughts which points to a focus on color and race not character.

    I mean this with the best of intentions and hope you can come to terms with your views that see racism and motive in others while pretending that you are being “observant” vs reflective.

    Its an overused tactic of “Progressives” to attack those they perceive are attacking them personally when they disagree.

    Childish at best and an effective tactic of dictators.

    Shakespeare had it right with this sort or commentary.

    Me think you doth protest (project) too much!.

  4. Suburban RINO

    #MAGA refers to a time of racism?


    I have a MAGA Hat.

    Am I a racist?

    Given your keen ability to read hearts and minds, can you tell me what number I’m thinking in my head? I’m sure this is more political sound bite puking on your part, but is a good opportunity for instruction.

    I believe this speaks to your prejudice and your world view.

    It is called projection.

    I do not pretend to know what is in your heart however you are sharing your thoughts which points to a focus on color and race not character.

    I mean this with the best of intentions and hope you can come to terms with your views that see racism and motive in others while pretending that you are being “observant” vs reflective.

    Its an overused tactic of “Progressives” to attack those they perceive are attacking them personally when they disagree.

    Childish at best and an effective tactic of dictators.

    Shakespeare had it right with this sort or commentary.

    Me think you doth protest (project) too much!.

  5. Selective racism as exhibited by this outrage is the hallmark of the liberal Democratic party protest.

    As long as you agree with their progressive agenda and are compliant with the party line you can be a quote victim.

    However, if you are a minority but don’t tow the plantation definition of being progressive they can resort to name calling and its “okay” in the name of fairness.

    A duo selective definition that works to fit the narrative, how convenient!

    If you call it racist it shouldn’t be defined by by your politics. Racism is wrong no matter where it comes from and the left is as guilty as the right.

    Until the left condemns Louis Farakom they will not be speaking from the high ground.

    I’m not defending what the governor did 30 years ago just saying if we’re going to have a discussion about race, let’s put all the cards on the table.

    Racism exists and it is not unique to just one party. Pretty evident by this revelation that Jim Crow started in the Democratic Party.

    One footnote, if the liberal media was doing its job instead of protecting their candidates from controversy this would have come out in the primary where it should have manifested itself initially.

  6. The original Ku Klux Klan was formed by Southern DEMOCRATS.

    So, this doob Democrat Governor from Virgina fits the 1865 profile.

    If the shoe (polish) fits……..

    My prediction is he resigns no later than Tuesday.

  7. This dude is a dummy.

    I wasn’t in the pic but i’m willing to learn from a pic from the 1980’s that wasn’t me and we have never seen a physical copy of this yearbook but it’s on the internet but also i put shoepolish on my face and pretended to be michael jackson and people used to call me coonman but people told me it was bad and i learned from it.

    Imagine being such a retard…

  8. Now msnbc is trying to blame Steve Bannon because at some point he was hired by NYT and WaPo but the blacks are mad at the governor still rofl what a shitshow.

    welcome to clown world.

    I guess no news is worthy if at some point some guy who we disagree with was employed with you.

    Muh racism reeeeeeeee!!!!!

    and brokaw is in trouble for saying Hispanics should assimilate to the country they move to and learn the language they speak. WOAH!!!!

    That’s so racist!!!!

    imagine living among such retards and thinking this is normal…

    Lift weights and buy more guns. Things are only going to get more dumb.

  9. Both parties have ugly periods of racism.

    The Democrats had theirs 150 years ago.

    The Republicans are having theirs now.

    And occasionally a candidate commits a racist act like this.

    Democrats resign in disgrace.

    Republicans run ads bragging about it.

  10. “Trump is racist! MAGA is racist!”

    Keep yelling it while the media and left wing nut jobs repeat it until it becomes true regardless of the facts.

    If you have lived in the real world, you will have experienced this by those who don’t get their way.

  11. Imagine being such a retard…

    You don’t have to.

    Capitalization, punctuation and syntax would go a long way to making your posts cohesive, comprehensive and readable.

    MCC English 101. Just a suggestion.

  12. “The Democrats had theirs 150 years ago.”

    Seriously, not a student of history are you?

    Why do you insist on flaunting your ignorance?

  13. This is what Democratic Senator Joe Biden said about his colleague in the Senate, Democratic Senator Barak Obama’s candidacy for president back in 2007:

    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    Joe made an incredibly racist comment that offended all African-Americans and he was left off the hook. His fellow Democrats and the media did not ask him to resign. But, what does Joe REALLY think about the many tens of millions of African-Americans? That they are not bright, articulate and clean? What is in his heart?

    Joe is also on record of making racist comments and slurs about owners of convenience stores in his State who happen to have immigrated from the Country of India.

  14. History shows that many, many Democrats have a poor record on civil rights and were racists.

    Democrats in the US Congress vigorously opposed Republican President Abraham’s efforts to free the slaves.

    Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who served 50 years in Congress, was a klan recruiter.

    Democrat Governor George Wallace physically tried to block African Americans from attending a university and grade schools in his State of Alabama.

    Democrats in Congress did not support and vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to the extent that Republicans did.

    Al Gore’s father, Senator Gore, voted against the Act.

  15. Democrats always look to someone else.

    Elizabeth Warren wants to tax the super rich. Evidently her own net worth around 8 million be give or take is not high enough.

    The rich sleazy dirt bags are so out of touch they don’t know they’re rich despite saying the average American family lives paycheck to paycheck.

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