Message of the Day – A Bumper Sticker

This bumper sticker was found in the parking lot in Sun City after Congresswoman Lauren Underwood spoke in August:

“I’m with the resistance! Defeat Trump’s Agenda”


Message of the Day – A Bumper Sticker — 12 Comments

  1. The resistance = snivelers, people whose thinking is still stuck in the 5th grade.

  2. Welcome to 2019 America.

    Where a robust economy and full employment must be resisted.

  3. Progressives’ “agenda” would destroy this Nation if they controlled all three branches of government.

  4. I see stupid people (with bumper stickers with ‘Resist” on them)

  5. Actually Bred, if the degenerates (I refuse to call them progressives) did gain control of all three branches instead of the 1 and a half they do now (House and judiciary), Civil War II would come very quickly and things put right again.

    A real cleansing would occur. Maybe even four or five separate countries coming out of it.

  6. Just Remember, Trump hasn’t gotten us into another stupid war (yet).

    Had HiLIARy won, there’d have been at least three

    1) In Syria ;

    2) In Eastern Ukraine and Crimea; and

    3) Iran. ….. actually there’d be

    4) She’d be rounding up decent people under a phony Domestic Terrorism excuse and disarming the American populace to carry out her wicked schemes.

  7. FarrierDan: no civil war II.

    The few domestic terrorists who are willing to kill your fellow countrymen for political purposes will be arrested.

    The end

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