Information Sought by Democratic Party Congressman about the Mumps Outbreak among Illegal Aliens at the McHenry County Jail

Commenter Mark has again provide valuable information about a story on McHenry County Blog.

He fished out the entire letter that U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth and Members of Congress Loren Underwood and Chuy Garcia sent to ICE:

September 25, 2019

Louie Zamora
Acting Field Office Director
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Chicago Field Office
101 W. Ida B Wells Drive Suite 4000
Chicago, IL 60605

Dear Mr. Zamora

We are writing to express our serious concern over the recently reported cases of mumps in McHenry County Jail.

According to a report last month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have been 931 cases of mumps in a total of 57 Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities in 19 states in the last year.

According to the McHenry County Health Department, six cases have been reported between June and September of this year in McHenry County Jail, all of which are individuals under custody of ICE.

We strongly urge you to evaluate current policies and procedures to mitigate any further spread of communicable diseases and infections.

Any failure to provide detainees with access to needed health care is inexcusable and irresponsible, placing entire communities at risk.

The CDC says immunization is the most effective means to prevent mumps transmission.

The CDC also lists mumps as a contagious disease and recommends that a person with mumps should limit their contact with others.

The recent mumps outbreak in the McHenry County Jail signals significant risk factors for other infectious illnesses including influenza.

Separately, health officials have echoed grave concerns about unsafe and unsanitary conditions that detained migrants are subjected to in ICE facilities.

If left unaddressed, these conditions will inevitably contribute to future outbreaks of the mumps, influenza, and other communicable diseases.

In response to these concerns, we ask that you provide answers to the following questions.

McHenry County Jail

1. Please provide a detailed report of all mumps cases in McHenry County Jail, including the total number of cases and the ages of individuals affected.

2. How do you plan to combat the spread of mumps and other communicable diseases and infections, such as shingles, pneumonia, and chickenpox, among detainees?

3. Will McHenry County Jail be administering flu shots to all individuals within its custody this season?

Please describe in detail the facility’s treatment and prevention policies in place for migrant illness and vaccinations.

4. How many vaccinations for the mumps did McHenry County Jail facilitate for those in its custody over the last year?

Are all employees, grantees, and contractors who work at McHenry County Jail vaccinated for the mumps?

5. Using the average during the last calendar year, how much time lapsed once on-site officials were notified by a detainee or inmate of their symptoms, before an infected individual received proper medical attention?

6. How many doctors or qualified medical staff does the facility contract with or employ?

We strongly urge you to pursue a thorough and urgent review of current policies, procedures, and implementation of medical treatment at the McHenry County Jail and other ICE detention facilities that you oversee.

We look forward to a prompt and complete response.


Jesus G. “Chuy” Garcia, Member of Congress

Lauren Underwood, Member of Congress

Richard J. Durbin, U.S. Senator

Tammy Duckworth, U.S. Senator


Information Sought by Democratic Party Congressman about the Mumps Outbreak among Illegal Aliens at the McHenry County Jail — 10 Comments

  1. Sunshine blogger. In the spirit of prodigious research, I fished out this letter sent by Commander Ernesto Guevara de la Serna to Fidel Castro in 1965. I am sure sunshine commenters will find this very relevant and worthy of extensive praising.

    Carta de despedida del Che a Fidel

    Ernesto “Che” Guevara
    “Año de la Agricultura”


    Me recuerdo en esta hora de muchas cosas, de cuando te conocí en casa de María Antonia, de cuando me propusiste venir, de toda la tensión de los preparativos.

    Un día pasaron preguntando a quién se debía avisar en caso de muerte y la posibilidad real del hecho nos golpeó a todos. Después supimos que era cierto, que en una revolución se triunfa o se muere (si es verdadera). Muchos compañeros quedaron a lo largo del camino hacia la victoria.

    Hoy todo tiene un tono menos dramático porque somos más maduros, pero el hecho se repite. Siento que he cumplido la parte de mi deber que me ataba a la revolución cubana en su territorio y me despido de ti, de los compañeros, de tu pueblo, que ya es mío.

    Hago formal renuncia de mis cargos en la dirección del partido, de mi puesto de ministro, de mi grado de comandante, de mi condición de cubano. Nada legal me ata a Cuba, sólo lazos de otra clase que no se pueden romper como los nombramientos.

    Haciendo un recuento de mi vida pasada creo haber trabajado con suficiente honradez y dedicación para consolidar el triunfo revolucionario. Mi única falta de alguna gravedad es no haber confiado más en ti desde los primeros momentos de la Sierra Maestra y no haber comprendido con suficiente celeridad tus cualidades de conductor y de revolucionario. He vivido días magníficos y sentí a tu lado el orgullo de pertenecer a nuestro pueblo en los días luminosos y tristes de la crisis del Caribe. Pocas veces brilló más alto un estadista que en esos días, me enorgullezco también de haberte seguido sin vacilaciones, identificado con tu manera de pensar y de ver y apreciar los peligros y los principios. Otras tierras del mundo reclaman el concurso de mis modestos esfuerzos. Yo puedo hacer lo que te está negado por tu responsabilidad al frente de Cuba y llegó la hora de separarnos.

    Sépase que lo hago con una mezcla de alegría y dolor; aquí dejo lo más puro de mis esperanzas de constructor y lo más querido entre mis seres queridos… y dejo un pueblo que me admitió como su hijo: eso lacera una parte de mi espíritu. En los nuevos campos de batalla llevaré la fe que me inculcaste, el espíritu revolucionario de mi pueblo, la sensación de cumplir con el más sagrado de los deberes: luchar contra el imperialismo dondequiera que esté; esto reconforta y cura con creces cualquier desgarradura.

    Digo una vez más que libero a Cuba de cualquier responsabilidad, salvo la que emane de su ejemplo. Que si me llega la hora definitiva bajo otros cielos, mi último pensamiento, será para este pueblo y especialmente para ti. Que te doy las gracias por tus enseñanzas y tu ejemplo y que trataré de ser fiel hasta las últimas consecuencias de mis actos. Que he estado identificado siempre con la política exterior de nuestra revolución y lo sigo estando. Que en dondequiera que me pare sentiré la responsabilidad de ser revolucionario cubano y como tal actuaré. Que no dejo a mis hijos y mi mujer nada material y no me apena; me alegro que así sea. Que no pido nada para ellos, pues el Estado les dará lo suficiente para vivir y educarse.

    Tendría muchas cosas que decirte a ti y a nuestro pueblo pero siento que son innecesarias, las palabras no pueden expresar lo que yo quisiera, y no vale la pena emborronar cuartillas.

    Hasta la victoria siempre, ¡Patria o Muerte!

    Te abraza con todo fervor revolucionario


    Stay tuned…tic, tock, tic, tock, tic, tock, tic, tock…

  2. It’s highly probable that these Illegals who aren’t screened for contagious diseases obviously before sneaking in brought these mumps with them.

    I’d say that’s correct to the ninety ninth percentile.

  3. What kind of diseases do the illegals NOT CAUGHT and living somewhere in the U.S. brought to our Nation? Control of disease is just another reason why the U.S. must not condone illegal immigration and should have strong walls along the southern border with sufficient Border Patrol agents and U.S. Military patrolling the entire border.

    Additionally, any elected official (mayor, governor) who has declared his/her city or state as sanctuary for illegals should be indicted under federal law for providing harbor to illegal aliens and then prosecuted with mandatory jail terms.

  4. They should be outraged about the young girl shot in her home in Chicago.

    It is unfortunately commonplace and the politicians could care less.

    It sickens me that they choose issues regarding illegals because they gauge it is more beneficial to them politically.

  5. Mumps is highly contagious and there have been several larger outbreaks in Illinois in recent years.

    So to put this in perspective for example, where’s a similar letter from Dick Durbin, Tammy Duckworth, and Chuy Garcia when the much larger University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (UIUC) mumps outbreak occurred in 2015 & 2016?

    “IDPH and the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (C-UPHD) conducted an investigation and identified 317 cases of mumps during April 2015–May 2016.”


    US Department of Health and Human Services

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) (MMWR Weekly)

    Volume 65 (2016)

    Issue 29 (July 29, 2016) (The issue number and date both being 29 is coincidental)

    Pages 731 – 734


    Mumps Outbreak at a University and Recommendation for a Third Dose of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine – Illinois, 2015–2016


    Justin P. Albertson, MS 1;

    Whitney J. Clegg, MD 1;

    Heather D. Reid 1;

    Benjamin S. Arbise, MPH 1;

    Julie Pryde, MSW 2;

    Awais Vaid, MBBS 2;

    Rachella Thompson-Brown 2;

    Fredrick Echols, MD 1

    Corresponding author Heather D Reid

    1 = Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)

    2 = Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD)


    Melissa Adamson, MPH, Public Health Administrator (top official) of the McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH) and

    Ngozi O. Ezike, MD (top official) of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and

    Bill Primm, McHenry County Sheriff (McHenry County Department of Corrections is under the Sheriff)

    were not copied on the letter from Dick Durbin, Tammy Duckworth, Chuy Garcia, and Lauren Underwood to Louie Zamora, Acting Field Director ICE Chicago.

    MPH = Masters of Public Health

  6. More prodigious research for sunshine readers:

    Mumps is best known for the puffy cheeks and tender, swollen jaw that it causes. This is a result of swollen salivary glands under the ears on one or both sides, often referred to as parotitis.

    Other symptoms that might begin a few days before parotitis include:

    Muscle aches
    Loss of appetite
    Symptoms typically appear 16-18 days after infection, but this period can range from 12–25 days after infection.

    Some people who get mumps have very mild symptoms (like a cold), or no symptoms at all and may not know they have the disease.

    In rare cases, mumps can cause more severe complications.

    Most people with mumps recover completely within two weeks.

    Mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. It spreads through direct contact with saliva or respiratory droplets from the mouth, nose, or throat. An infected person can spread the virus by

    coughing, sneezing, or talking
    sharing items that may have saliva on them, such as water bottles or cups
    participating in close-contact activities with others, such as playing sports, dancing, or kissing
    touching objects or surfaces with unwashed hands that are then touched by others
    An infected person can likely spread mumps from a few days before their salivary glands begin to swell to up to five days after the swelling begins. A person with mumps should limit their contact with others during this time. For example, stay home from school and do not attend social events.

    Mumps can occasionally cause complications, especially in adults.

    Complications can include:

    inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) in males who have reached puberty; this may lead to a decrease in testicular size (testicular atrophy)
    inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) and/or breast tissue (mastitis)
    inflammation in the pancreas (pancreatitis)
    inflammation of the brain (encephalitis)
    inflammation of the tissue covering the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
    Neither inflammation of the testicles nor inflammation of the ovaries caused by mumps has been shown to lead to infertility.

    Ain’t I smart? Stay tuned…tic, tock, tic, tock, tic, tock, meeeeeeoooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…

  7. Hey Democrats Shipping them back Home immediately would cut down on diseases Illegals bring into our country. Shipping them out after doing some hard labor building the wall. Just common sense but Democrats don’t have any of that. KAG

  8. The diseased brain of Angel is really something. But he’s going back to the ________-criollo.

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