The Court Order Lifting the No Stalking Order for Mary McClellan

For those who would like to read the order that allows Mary McClellan to get within 200 feet of McHenry County Risk Manager Lisa Shamhart, here it is:

Apparently, evidence linking McClellan to the headless duck on Shamhart’s daughter’s Huntley porch was not forthcoming.

The Judge signing the order is Jeffrey Hirsch.


The Court Order Lifting the No Stalking Order for Mary McClellan — 10 Comments

  1. Does that mean the liar called McClellan can stalk Lisa now?

  2. It’s interesting that the order says that MM was acting pro se.

    According to the Circuit Clerk’s site, she hired Edward Donahue to represent her.

    Maybe she thought it wouldn’t look good if an attorney running for a judgeship had to hire another attorney to go up against a pro se plaintiff.

  3. “He who has himself for an attorney, has a fool for a client”!!!

    She hired the best….smart lady

  4. Neophyte judge Jennifer Johnson apparently granted the “emergency” petition for no good reason.

    What a great pick for the bench!

  5. Jennifer Johnson is a very reasonable, professional and honest Judge.

    Clearly, there were reasons for the emergency petition.

    Mary McClellan’s career as a politician in McHenry County is over!

  6. Thank you Sniper.

    McClellan has announced her run for McHenry County Circuit Judge.

    Hoping, you will continue to repost the same article and your comments on that legal decision.

    Great way to get the message our so she is not elected.

  7. Hopefully after she loses another primary running again for judge, she will get the idea of how the people feel and just stop running for offices in the county.

  8. Where’s Gorgon with that claim McClellan left her wallet at the scene? (11/10/19 at 7:28)

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