A Poor Town Without Natural Gas from NICOR

Pembroke Township is impoverished.

It is also primary black.

It is so poor that Governor Rod Blagojevich announced that it was going to get special attention.

At the time, I thought he was positioning himself to run for President and Pembroke Township was going to be what he used to show how he could battle rural poverty.

The Chicago Tribune had a story last Monday about how Jesse Jackson had taken up the residents’ campaign to obtain natural gas from what used to be called Northern Illinois Gas.

It is really hard to believe that the area is not already served by piped in natural gas.

= = = = =

Saturday’s Chicago Tribune editorial is on the same topic.


A Poor Town Without Natural Gas from NICOR — 7 Comments

  1. I am sorry, but this article by the Chicago Tribune is asinine.

    If Pembroke Township was primary of people without color, this asinine article would have never been written, and I a sure you that the deceitful Jesse Jackson would not give a sh**.

    Many people without color communities throughout this country rely on propane as their source of gas.

    Using wood-burning stoves or electrical space heaters is by choice.

    I am really starting to get tired of this poor me BS, because I am a person color.

  2. I can’t get natural gas service for my house in Hartland Township.

    It’s not fair that I have to pay extra to have propane trucked in.

    I need Jesse to come out and protest for me.

    He should bring Al with him too, so NICOR knows that I’m really serious.

  3. But, as usual, there’s a corrupt township official there!


    URBANA, IL—A former acting Pembroke Township Supervisor, Leon Eddie Mondy, pled guilty today to defrauding township accounts of more than $60,000 from August 2012 to May 2013.

    Mondy entered his open plea of guilty to one count of wire fraud in an appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge David G. Bernthal.

    Sentencing has been scheduled for Jan. 23, 2015, in Peoria, before Chief U.S. District Judge James E. Shadid.

    Mondy, 35, of St. Anne, Ill., admitted that during the time he was serving as the acting Pembroke Township Supervisor, he withdrew more than $60,000 in cash from various township accounts and spent the money on gambling.

    Overall, according to court documents, Mondy lost $67,418 from gambling during the same time that he made $66,434 in unauthorized cash withdrawals from Pembroke township accounts.

    As township supervisor, Mondy was a signatory and had access to the township’s various bank accounts.

    Mondy admitted he repeatedly transferred funds between township accounts and withdrew cash from the various accounts under the false pretense that the funds would be used for the benefit of the township.

    The accounts included Insurance, the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Water, Community Center, Employee Deductions, Senior Nutrition, and Social Security. The cash withdrawals varied from as little as $300 to as much as $3,542.

  4. Be quiet Cheetah!

    That’s a hate crime according to Angel the Llamaboy.

    One cannot criticize black elites like Obongo or Jesse or the Lightfoot, or Taxwinkel, or morons like Maxine Waters.

  5. Just what is the point of “GAS” have to do with poverty?

    Doh!… is the Pot already for sale here?

    if you want gas get a gas bomb, geezus …

    and yes ol jesse was busted womanizing just like one of our Past Prezes..

  6. Jesse was acting as a “spiritual advisor” to Willie Jeff Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky while he himself was carrying on an affair with the PUSH volunteer who would later bear his love child.

    I’ll bet many laughs were had by all.

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