
Daily Herald Decides to Cover Call for Jack Franks to Resign — 8 Comments

  1. Of course “Bri” Sager won’t say boo.

    His transgressions dwarf Franks’.

  2. Look at the reactions from Democrats.

    Sager declined to comment.

    Ness couldn’t be reached for comment.

    Janko babbled about how he won’t do closed door meetings with lobbyists.

    What a bunch of weaklings.

    Why is it so difficult for these politicians to answer a yes or no question?

  3. Correcting…. because the cultural marxists like Franks, Sager, Althoff, Ness, Schofield, Underwood, Casten, etc., all stick together.

    “No enemies on the Left”

  4. He will never resign.

    He is too arrogant.

    Can’t wait to see the ‘spin’ he puts on this one.

    I’m sure there is so much more to come now that the floodgate is open.

  5. Get out the popcorn this one is gonna be a good one!

    A year from now picture Jacko in jail with a big burly cellmate named Bubba who has an eye for Jack ass (wink)!

    Who knows, maybe Blago can show him the ropes and teach him how to squeal like a pig for Bubba?

  6. Why didn’t the Northwest Herald ask the Mayor of Crystal Lake what his opinion is regarding this as the City government and Herald are like Siamese twins and the Herald is so conveniently located in Crystal Lake.

    Also, when was the last time you read an article in the Herald that was critical of the City government?

  7. Cause he is to busy trying to decide who the next puppet is going to take over on the Council since Dawson is deceased.

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