Effective Tax Rates Remain High in McHenry County

The Civic Federation calculated 2017 “effective tax rates” in the Chicago metropolitcan area.

The article is here.

An “effective tax rate” can be calculated by dividing one’s tax bill by the value of one’s property.

Here is what the Civic Federation found in McHenry County:

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The Chicago Tribune did a more comprehensive study of 2016 tax bills:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Effective-Tax-Rates-2015-Tribune-map.png

One can find 2015 effective tax rates for individual municipalilties here.Paragraph

Look at how this Tax Foundation 2014 statewide calculation makes it look like our effective tax rates are under 2%.


Effective Tax Rates Remain High in McHenry County — 4 Comments

  1. Yes indeedy!

    McHenry County highest taxed county in Illinois!

    Thank you RINOs!!!

  2. Yes indeed.

    Part of the problem is the township tax assessors, who are generally incompetent.

  3. Woodstock taxes drove us out!!!!

    Nero (Woodstock Mayer Sager) fiddled on top of the copper old courthouse roof as Woodstock crumbled.

    Now the tax payers have to put it back together as he tries to leave.

    Glad I’m not there any more.

  4. Perhaps Kenneally could work for free to save the taxpayers money as any jackalope could do his job.
    His office under his supervision got beaten by a man with no legal experience recently in a animal cruelty case.
    The only cases this political hack in my opinion is winning are plea bargains and slam dunks that are guilty to certainty.

    ‘Anybody But Kenneally 2020’

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