Algonquin and Cary Reach Agreement on Meyer Material Gravel Pit

The Meyer Material gravel pit that really bothered and angered Fox Trails homeowners for many years as the Cary Village Board chose money over their quality of life is reaching a conclusion.

The Dust Angel from the 2008 video in opposition to the Meyer Materials Gravel Pit in Cary.

Both Algonquin, which zoned an extension of the Cary pit where Cary residents had no clout, and Cary have reached an agreement that the recreational parts of the pit will end up in Cary, while the part that might develop commercially will remain in Algonquin.

Algonquin Village staff explains it this way:

To summarize the request, the park property in purple at right will be disconnected from Algonquin, annexed into Cary, and Algonquin residents would be considered the same as Cary residents should any admission charges be put in place for visitors.

The parcels in pink on the map at right will remain in Algonquin with the minor exception of a small portion of the lot on the far east side, wherein the northern portion has also been deeded by Meyer Material to the Village of Cary for park and open space purposes.

Who will control what parts of the Meyer Material gravel pit property.

Village Staff does not have any concerns about the additional land Meyer Material deeded to Cary as the land in that area has a very steep slope and its preservation as open space will serve as a sizable buffer from the existing residential homes to any future commercial development.


Algonquin and Cary Reach Agreement on Meyer Material Gravel Pit — 1 Comment

  1. yeah well try having a 14 MILLION DOLLAR MONEY PIT NO ONE ASKED TO PAY FOR! but us tax payers got stuck with it anyway…

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