State Police Reveal Nothing Regarding Officers’ Efforts to Retrieve Guns from People Whose FOID Cards Have Expired

Having learned that Illinois State Police Officers are knocking on doors of people who no longer have a valid Fireowners Identification card, I sent in the following Freedom of Information Request:

Under the FOIA I request documents that will show what Illinois State Police does after FOID card expire.

Please provide such information, including records of visits to homes with zip codes (street addresses not requested), instructions to officers who visit homes with expired FOID cards, the results of such visits, summaries of such visits and related information.

Please provide documents showing guns taken from such homes, if any, including the zip codes of such seizures.

Here is the reply I received:

A reasonable search for the requested records was conducted; however, the ISP found no responsive records with the provided search terms. Please be aware the ISP only maintains records created or received by the ISP.

Since I know that State Police Officers have knocked on doors of those with FOIA cards asking about whether guns are in the house, I guess I did not request the correct records.

Would anyone be able to suggest how I should word the next FOIA request?


State Police Reveal Nothing Regarding Officers’ Efforts to Retrieve Guns from People Whose FOID Cards Have Expired — 2 Comments

  1. Such a surprise the government isn’t telling the truth about gun control.

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