IL-14: Ted Gradel Sends Positive Piece

For the first time in a long time, 14th District GOP candidate for Congress does not pound Jim Oberweis in a mailing.

Of course, the anti-Oberweis pieces did not come from the Gradel campaign, but from a supporting SuperPAC.

Next comes an endorsement letter from Lou Holtz, which I have been unable to capture.


IL-14: Ted Gradel Sends Positive Piece — 4 Comments

  1. Gradel is a liar just like he lies that he was a “distant investor” in US Stem Cell Clinic that was shut down after the FDA sued Ted Gradel in federal court and got a permanent injunction against him personally from praciting biologic medicine for the rest of his life.

    The FDA repeatedly warned the clinic that it’s practices were dangerous.

    Three women went blind!

    And “distant investors” aren’t named on the first page of a federal court consent decree as one of two individuals sued, nor do “distant investors” have their signatures affixed at the end of the court document.

    Want to know how dishonest Gradel is?

    Look at this mailer.

    Treats voters like we are stupid.

    “Break up the Madigan Machine” and “cut Illinois taxes.”

    Does shady Ted Gradel not comprehend that we know he is running for federal office and if he won he would have zero jurisdiction over Illinois taxes because they are voted on by the state legislature in Springfield, not in Congress in Washington, DC?

    Does he think we are fools not know that Congressmen in Washington can’t do anything against Speaker Madigan who is in Springfield?

    No documentation is offered that Gradel supported Trump in the 2016 primaries.

    And all the primary candidates supported Trump as the nominee in 2016 and do so now.

    Ted Gradel is shady and tries to fool people.

    That’s what he does.

    Just look at this dishonest mailer.

  2. Sheila, c’mon let it go!

    The Gipper’s long gone but Lou Holtz is still very much alive!

    Gradel seems OK with me.

    But I have to vote for Marter in the final analysis.

  3. Does Lou Holtz know that Gradel’s greed to get rich quick caused 3 women to go blind and harm to numerous other patients who had nondisclosure agreements attached to their settlements?

    Does Lou Holts know the difference between the state and federal government?

    Does he know that when runs for Congress that promising to “cut Illinois taxes” is a lie?

    Did Lou Holtz know that Gradel’s clinic caused three women to go blind or does he not care?

  4. Sheila, why don’t you ask Lou and then report back to us, OK?

    Are you connected w/ Rezin, our native RINO?

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