Long-Time Algonquin Village President John Schmitt, RIP

John Schmitt

John Schmitt’s first crusade was stopping the Northern Bypass, which would have run behind his subdivision to the property owned by Northwest Herald interests.

His, other’s efforts and the fact that most traffic went east-west, rather than northwest-southeast resulted in the current Algonquin bypass.

It also propelled him onto the Village Board.

Schmidt’s other transportation crusade was improving the intersection of Algonquin and Randall Roads.

He also favored the Longmeadow Park(toll)way and was in office when Downtown Algonquin was reconfigured.

Although he will not be able to see the widening of the completion of the road widening project, his support might be deemed instrumental in its construction.

Schmitt was appointed Village President in 2002 to replace Ted Spella when he died. He has been elected to the post since then.

John Schmitt introduces Jack Franks at Franks’ Algonquin Town Hall Meeting in 2016.

While Schmitt started out as a Republican, supporting my State Rep. candidacy in 1992, in 2016, he was a prominent supporter of Democrat Jack Franks for McHenry County Board Chairman.


Long-Time Algonquin Village President John Schmitt, RIP — 13 Comments

  1. One of Franks’ marionettes and trough feeders.

    Look at the size of that tuna!

  2. Algonquin had a lot of RINOs who sold their horns to the highest bidder.

  3. Just another pig who over-fattened off the taxpayers. Was it a Covid fake death too?

  4. He jigged to Franks’ tune for way too long.

    Then he curled up

  5. This man was not so good.

    He did very bad things.

    Now they give him halos.


  6. Someone was asking who was next when we lost Justen then Shepley. Does this finish out the evil trio? (The old wives’ tales of threes?)

  7. Anybody ever figure out the cause of death of Shepley.

    They failed to publish the autopsy results of a public figure.

  8. Cause of death, according to the McHenry County Coroner:

    Cardiac arrhythmia

    Ischemic hear disease

    Natural death

  9. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for making these types of comments.

    You have no idea who this man was.

    This is my grandfather.

    He loved his community, his neighbors, and above all his family.

    Imagine someone making these types of statements about your grandfather.

    Despicable people.

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