Opening Remarks at Wisconsin Gathering of Conservatives

The powerhouse behind Family PAC and One Nation Under God is Paul Caprio.

Paul and I met when he was Executive Director of the Young Republicans in Washington. I delivered a manual I had written about how to conduct Mock Conventions. In my senior year at Oberlin College, I was Chairman of the Republican Mock Convention.

Here are Caprio’s remarks:

Paul Caprio

Remarks by Paul Caprio, Executive Director of The One Nation Under God Foundation Freedom Night, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, August 4, 2020

Last August, speaking at our Annual Boat Cruise on Lake Michigan, I made the statement, “Freedom is hard to win but easy to lose.”

In the summer of 1939, French citizens were enjoying freedom in Paris…a year later, the swastika was flying over the Eiffel Tower.

The last five months in the United States have demonstrated the same fact of history.

We have seen all of our First Amendment rights under attack from government tyrants and unelected “public health officials.”

Churches have been closed by decree of government, some businesses have arbitrarily been deemed “non-essential,” while other similar remain open. Bars and abortion clinics are deemed “essential.”

Gatherings of more than ten people are deemed illegal while thousands are in the street often violently protesting.

Our freedoms have been turned upside down caused, we are told, by the “virus.”

You know, everyone loves freedom.

It’s like Oberweis ice cream. If you like Oberweis ice cream, please raise your hand.

(All hands go up)

But if I said you would you pay $85 per ice cream cone, would you pay the price?

No one would…the price is too high.

So with freedom, the question is always whether we are willing to pay the price, which could be persecution, armed resistance, or even death

We all love freedom but not many are willing to pay the price to keep it.

At the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Robert Morris, one of the wealthiest men in the Colonies, was asked to sign

His advisor “consultant” warned him not to sign because the British
would seize all of his lands in the Hudson Valley.

Morris’ response was simple: “Give me the pen.”

Robert Morris was willing to risk all he had for the promise of freedom.

Tonight, we are honored to have five Illinois freedom fighters with us who have fought back when their freedoms were challenged.

The many attacks on our First Amendment freedoms by the radical Left and domestic terrorists are now Ignored by many Democrat elected officials…both in DC, state, and local government.

This is a concentrated and planned attack on the Human Identity of every decent American.

Your human identity is your relationship to your family, God, and our Country.

Children learn how to love from parents who love them. Love is an emotion, but it is also a learned experience from your family and friends.

Your family and church teach you who you are in God’s eyes and that He has a unique plan for you and the way to love God and your neighbors

The radical Left, including Black Lives Matter, calls for the end of the nuclear family.

Love of Country has been under attack.

We are told that we live in an evil country founded on slavery…not the truth that America founded the freedom movement in 1776, which has resulted in a better, freer, and more prosperous life for billions around the world.

Yes, America has been an exceptional country…sometimes imperfect…but always on a road to expand freedom.

That is the human identity which is your birthright, and the radical Left wants to take all of it away….in an effort to create an authoritarian dictatorship in America.

It is time for massive resistance by all citizens…by protesting, by signing petitions and ads to protect police, by boycotting corporations and businesses who promote it, and by electing candidates who will fight to protect your freedoms.

Years ago, I heard the late Senator Tom Coburn speak at a breakfast in Washington

Coburn gave a gloomy forecast for our government, but at the end, he said, “I believe America is the one nation that can defeat history.”

I believe it too

Let’s vow to stand up for freedom again and defeat history.

May God bless us and the freedoms He has bestowed upon us.


Opening Remarks at Wisconsin Gathering of Conservatives — 2 Comments

  1. Pretty good. But if you cannot name the real enemies or the sources of the cultural Marxism, speeches like this are of no effect.

  2. Dont’ worry cheeseheads they are running what’s left of us common sense tax paying men out of fibland will be coming your way and make your state great…

    you will be getting all the decent folk while the toilet fills up here with what these politicians have been asking for a long time a coming of trash in and now they will have it…. braindead heads.

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