IL-06/IL-14/IL-17: Radical Democrat Policies Capsule

Dan Crenshaw

As only the freshman Texas Millennial Republican could do, Dan Crenshaw gives frightening preview if Democrats win White House and both houses of Congress

Jim Oberweis

At yesterday’s 14th congressional district virtual debate between Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and Republican Jim Oberweis, these quotes was said from Oberweis why he decided to run for Congress in February of 2019:

“When Lauren Underwood started voting like a radical socialist, I decided it was time to run for the 14th Congressional District.

“Her values are not our values.”

Jim Oberweis, 9/1/20 per Daily Herald

Towards the end of the just over an hour long head-to-head virtual debate, sponsored by the St. Charles Chamber of Commerce, Underwood responded:

Lauren Underwood

“I think it’s really telling that my opponent’s decided to use his time to distort and attack my record.

“My record is clear.”

Lauren Underwood, 9/1/20 per Daily Herald

What Underwood’s record and clarity means is an open topic, and voters applying discernment with the truth will decide who wins the 14th district, as well as the other three Republican targeted congressional seats in northern Illinois, the 6th between Congressman Sean Casten and Republican Jeanne Ives, and the 17th between Congresswoman Cheri Bustos and Republican Esther Joy King.

So, to bring clarity to what the House Democratic majority of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has really done, Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R, TX-02) released this nearly 2 1/2 minute video encapsulating what the House Democratic Majority has accomplished in the legislation passed from the House.

At the 14th congressional district debate, Underwood again reverted to her overuse of describing her record as passing “bipartisan” legislation, which McHenry County Blog has been successfully challenging for over a year.

Similar to a graphic done last fall, McHenry County Blog has charted the 10 bills covered in the Crenshaw video in the order covered, to determine how many Republican members of the House voted for final passage of each bill highlighted by Crenshaw:

Bill #DescriptionRepublican
H.R. 1The For the People Act0
H.R. 3Elijah Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act2
H.R. 8Bipartisan Background Checks Act8
H.R. 6American Dream and Promise Act7
H.R. 9Climate Action Now act3
H.R. 2474Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act5
H.R. 1644Save the Internet Act1
H.R. 5Equality Act8
H.R. 582Raise the Wage Act3
H.R. 51Washington, D.C. Admission Act (D.C. Statehood)0

So none of the 10 bills surpassed positive support from at least 10 Republicans, and 2 of them had zero Republicans support (H.R. 51 had 1 Democrat vote against D.C. Statehood, otherwise, it would have been a straight party line vote like H.R. 1).

So for this top 10 list, Underwood shown again her claims of bipartisan legislation are thrown away.

The Crenshaw video is something all Republican challengers for the U.S. House should keep handy, in order to remind themselves, and voters, what this election will be about, and if Democrats win the Presidency and both houses of Congress, the radical change in store for our country.

And, it looks like Oberweis is right about Underwood and the radical socialism record she has accomplished while in Congress.


IL-06/IL-14/IL-17: Radical Democrat Policies Capsule — 15 Comments

  1. FAKE NURSE says her record is clear, and she’s correct.

    Clearly Socialist.

    So I’ll take a page out of the Socialist playbook by saying – DEATH TO SOCIALISM.

  2. I talked to her last year.

    She’s all smiles, but when I asked a hard question about Illegal immigration, she turned her back on me in the middle of my question.

    Knapp headed skoloosh!

  3. This is a very informative video.

    Thank you for sharing.

    I’m concerned that voters haven’t really been paying attention to the policies promoted by the U.S. House Democratic majority because they know the Republicans control the Senate so it’s not really worth monitoring since their bills can’t become law.

    But unfortunately it means voters don’t know what they are buying if they vote Democrat for Congressional races and we end up with both chambers controller by the Democrats.

    I hope the Republican campaigns in the targeted districts can get the word out, because the media sure won’t.

  4. Oberweis announced he was running in February 2019.

    Didn’t Underwood take office in January of 2019?

    Oberweis claims he got into the race when Underwood started voting like a “radical socialist.”

    Which “radical socialist” votes did Underwood take in her first month of office that compelled Oberweis to run?

    I see your list of bills that are not bipartisan, but I assume most of those were NOT voted on within her first month.

  5. This is a very informative video.

    Thank you for sharing.

    I’m concerned that voters haven’t really been paying attention to the policies promoted by the U.S. House Democratic majority because they know the Republicans control the Senate so it’s not really worth monitoring since their bills can’t become law.

    But unfortunately it means voters don’t know what they are buying if they vote Democrat for Congressional races and we end up with both chambers controlled by the Democrats.

    I hope the Republican campaigns in the targeted districts can get the word out, because the media sure won’t.

  6. Cool… so 8 of the 10 bills got bipartisan support?

    How radical.

    Who are the crazy radical Republicans voting for these bills?

    John – you can redefine bipartisan all you want, but your definition is just silly.

  7. I wouldn’t call any of that bipartisan support.

    Even 10 republicans is only about 5% of the republican representatives.

    Hardly bipartisan if you ask me.

  8. I agree, Neal. 😐

    As a new congressperson, she’s lucky to receive that much support. 😐

  9. I take Underpuppy’s Marxist Evanston Indivisible podium signage to heart:

    I will resist her degenerate bs every chance I get.

    And vote against her.

    Unfortunately, moo puke, a total washout, will get my vote.

    Sad selection choices.

  10. Why isn’t there an expose of Underwood’s living arrangement?

    It’s off limits w/ the MSM of course.

  11. Ironically for an integrated suburb, Índivisible Evanston is mostly White. 😮

  12. It’s odd that Indivisible Evanston (9th Congressional District) is so involved with the 6th and 14th Congressional Districts, which are way outside of Evanston. 🤔😐

  13. Eddie – have you never helped out a candidate that lived and represented an area that didn’t include you?

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