Franks Re-Election Campaign Surfaces

A text sent to an 847 phone number shared by a Friend of McHenry County Blog:

Hi XXX, this is Sue, a volunteer for McHenry County Board Chairman Jack Franks.

Early voting expands today and we wanted to share info:’s reduced the county’s property tax levy by 28 million, rebated 15 million to homeowners and passed term limits.


This msg came in at 2:25 pm and was immediately repeated.


Franks Re-Election Campaign Surfaces — 6 Comments

  1. I also spotted a pop up ad for him on a website yesterday.

    Same thing tax fighter, reduced. . . blah, blah blah.

    The funny thing was that the ad was partnered (as in revolving) with an ad for yeast infections.

    Ironically funny all things considered.

  2. Oh wait Jack forgot to mention he’s being investigated for criminal sexual assault how careless of him.

  3. And he didn’t mention that his little stunt of raiding the reserves and using some of that money to mail out those letters and issue checks came from taxpayer money so he could fool taxpayers?

    LOL what a lying loser!

  4. I’d like to donate to the cause. My legal BOOT knee deep in his monkey ass.

  5. Is ‘Sue’ one of The Jackal’s Stockholm Syndrome victims or just a Democrat skank?

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