Texas Congressman Points Out Businesses Not Boarding Up in Fear of Trump Supporters

My brother-in-law the Village President of a small town near Joplin, MO, send the following from the Blaze:

You can read the article here.

Or, if you want something more local, here is the Tribune story.


Texas Congressman Points Out Businesses Not Boarding Up in Fear of Trump Supporters — 17 Comments

  1. Please consider the current reality that voting machines are programmable and that what the voter actually votes for may not be reflected in the result, as in the US has suffered from a large gap between exit polling and the recorded votes. The fraud has been ongoing for quite a while.

    Cal should know all about since he’s a victim of it when the sea hag Kurtz ‘won’ against him a long time ago.

  2. That is why there is a paper trail of how the voter votes.

    Please give the county clerk some credit.

  3. Don’t forget, if the Democrats win the tri-fecta nationally (Presidency, Senate, House), the narrative is white supremacists and militias are the ones causing the violence.

    Lauren Underwood says that, too.

    And to Joe Biden, thanks to incompetent FBI Director Wray, ANTIFA is an “idea” and an “idea” cannot cause violence.

  4. Correcting, there is a reason the 82-years old Maxine Waters earned the moniker “Mad Max”.

    If only Joe Collins could pull of the upset in that district.

    It’s not for lack of funds, as he raised millions over $8.5 million in his challenge in CA-43.

    And Mad Max is chair of the House Financial Services Committee.

  5. Democrats are telling you that people who waive communist flags, chant black lives matter, and who only seem to be able to organize in left wing cities are actually far-right white supremacists.

    Outside of a few Team Blue cultists, everybody knows that is false.

  6. Business owners are spray painting words of names of violent mobs they SUPPORT on their boarded up plywoods in hopes that the mobs will bypass their stores and not put an axe to the plywoods nor burn same.

  7. They are boarding up because their insurance companies won’t pay for damage claims if they don’t.

    Hey bred – please share your source for the info about the business owners spray painting names on their own businesses.

    Otherwise you’re blowing smoke.

    Why is it that there always has to be some kind of conspiracy in everything that is done nowadays?

    I saw that “tagged” plywood.

    It was gangs.

    If you look hard enough you’ll see that same kind of tagging right here in Crystal Lake.

    Saw some at the Mobil Station on Route 14 near Dole – just above the outside cage of propane tanks.

    Are you saying the owner of he Mobil Station spray painted his own business to keep the violent mobs away?

  8. no there afraid its another xmas shopping day a coming… thieves… to use as an excuse to ROB…

  9. Dianne is right as rain.

    No insurance coverage if they didn’t attempt to mitigate the known likelihood of looting.

    Many carriers have contacted retailers in the past several weeks warning them about their duties and referring them to boarding up outfits.

  10. Isn’t it amazing that you can be denied insurance coverage for doing the job that law enforcement is supposed to do?

    It’s almost as though they are encouraging militias.

  11. Some Guy – please tell me what it is specifically that law enforcement is supposed to do?

    The police can’t be everywhere!!!

    The insurance companies are attempting to limit their liability.

    Would you also explain what it is they have done to encourage militias?

    The Toilet Bowl – take away the big, easily shattered glass windows and access is limited to the door.

    No xmas shopping day.

    That’s why the insurance companies want everything boarded up.

  12. “The police can’t be everywhere!!!

    Would you also explain what it is they have done to encourage militias?”

    You’ve already answered your question.

  13. Billy Bob, Manchurian riflemen are taller and far more accurate.

  14. Chicago doesn’t have enough police.

    Chicago is too big too. 😐

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