McHenry Township GOP Holding a Caucus to Select Township Candidates, Appellate Court Says Party Caucuses Must Be Accessible to All

The McHenry Township Republican Central Committee met Friday and decided to hold a caucus rather than a Primary Election to select candidates for the April election.

After signing in, folks milled around before the last McHenry Township Caucus began.

Erik Sivertsen wrote,

“Based on a vote at our meeting last Friday, we have notified the clerk that we will be holding a caucus “December 1st at 7pm at the McHenry Township Hall.

There are new rules resulting from the legislative sponsored by State Senator Pam Althoff after the caucus four years ago at which incumbents were not put on the Republican Party ticker.

Now everyone who attends gets one vote.

Under the rules set last time, all non-precinct committeemen received one vote.

The votes of those who attended in person were subtracted from the total cast in each precinct, the result then voted by the precinct committeeman who won the election.

This displeased a number of Republicans including State Senator Pam Althoff.

She sponsored a bill requiring everyone attending future caucuses to have the same voting power,

No more weighted voting for Precinct Committeemen.

But, with Covid-19 restrictions on the number of people who can be at a gathering, there may be problems.

Some Democrats in Cook County’s Bloom Township planned ahead of time suing to require a Primary Election.

The case, Somer vs. Bloom Township Democratic Organization, reached the Appellate Court with a decision that did not require an election, but did require adequate means of participation.

Decided last week, the decision handed down, according to “The Volokh Conspiracy” in the publication “reason” says that the trial court’s order should “include a requirement that defendants provide for a method of remote participation in the caucus meeting for those people who do not desire to be in attendance at a live caucus meeting.”

The Appellate Court instruction includes the following:

“The court’s order must also require that defendants also ensure that any person who would otherwise be entitled to participate in the caucus meeting has the ability to participate remotely, meaning that defendants must provide for a way for those without home computers or sufficient internet connections to nonetheless be able to participate and have their vote counted….”


McHenry Township GOP Holding a Caucus to Select Township Candidates, Appellate Court Says Party Caucuses Must Be Accessible to All — 6 Comments

  1. Mr. Erik Sivertsen, who is a never Trumper, is still mad that I voted against him and his Big Government ideas at that caucus.

    He is part of Pam Althoff RINO problem in this county.

    He needs to shed 250 of his 500 lbs before I’ll take him seriously.

    He represents bloated government even better than Gov. Pritzker in his own person

  2. Reminder, registered voters NOT entitled to participate in the December 1 township Republican caucus are voters who cast Democrat ballots in the March 2020 primary.

    Republicans, non-partisan and voters who did not participate in the March primary in McHenry County are entitled to participate.

  3. What’s the word about Dorr and Nunda township Republicans?

    Any Democrat or Libertarians holding primary elections in the Big 5 townships?

  4. What??

    Barber Bob Anderson and his cronies don’t get to rig the McHenry Township Republican Caucus again??

    It’s going to be one-person-casts-one-vote, not Barber Bob’s one-insider-Committeeman-casts-HUNDREDS-of-votes??

    You might start thinking that Illinois corruption is being rooted out one Bob Anderson at a time…

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