Three Candidates for Mayor in Crystal Lake Give Incumbent Best Chance

Here are the candidates who have filed for office in Crystal Lake:

For Mayor:

  • Haig Haleblian
  • Donald Kountz
  • James A. Sisto

For City Council:

  • Robert Brechbiel
  • Cameron D. Hubbard
  • Mandy Montford
  • Ian Philpot

For City Clerk

  • Nick Kachiroubas

Besides being an incumbent, Haleblian has the distinct advantage of having run a campaign before for City Council after having been appointed to the most by Mayor Aaron Shepley.

Local residents will remember his posting of yard signs all over town before anyone else.

They overcame the last name of “Haleblian” by promoting his first name, “Haig.”

Two of the three incumbent city council candidates are guaranteed re-election because they have only one challenger, Robert Brechbiel.

Of course the above observations assume that the non-incumbents do not get kicked off the ballot, as was the case for the past two elections.

There will be no primary election because too few candidates filed.

= = = = =

Candidates for these and other offices, please remember McHenry County Blog is happy to publish your press releases.


Three Candidates for Mayor in Crystal Lake Give Incumbent Best Chance — 15 Comments

  1. Which of the two challengers to acting Mayor Haleblian is the shill candidate to siphon votes away from the real challenger?

  2. At least, Willie Wilson and Bob Fioretti and Danny Malouf aren’t running. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ””

  3. Eddie, Willie Wilson’s self-named political party didn’t even get to 5% threshold to be named an “established political party”.

  4. John, I know the party lost, so Willie Wilson will run for office again. ๐Ÿ˜

    Before the Cutback Amendment (1982), Taylor Pouncey won as an Independent, as a 1970s Chicago south side state representative. ๐Ÿ˜

  5. Lopez hit the nail on the head once again.

    Who is the skulking rat?

  6. Hubbard was Shepley’s prize fawn, maybe that’s faun.

    Do Not Vote for that mollusk!

  7. I’m voting for Sisto half because he seems like a genuine guy in C.L half because the other dudes scare me. lol

  8. Be sure to tell your favorite candidates that McHenry County Blog will publish any candidacy announcements and press releases they send.

  9. Today’s info on Patch indicates that Mandy Montford’s (candidate for Crystal Lake Council) response seems to be on the far left of the political spectrum.

  10. I will not vote for anyone who supported Donald Trump in the 2020 election

    How do I find out who did or did not?

  11. I heard Sisto is a communist.

    But what do I know, Iโ€™m just an autistic ape.

    Donโ€™t listen to me.

    GME to the moon.

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