Lake County Clerk’s Campaigning with Tax Dollars

Take a look at how Lake County Clerk Robin O’Connor is using tax dollars to promote herself:

Lake County Clerk Robin O’Connor has her name on a county van.

That reminds me of how former Sheriff Keith Nygren put his name of pretty much everything.

Take a look at the photos in this story from December 1, 2014.

This is the type of self-promotion that McHenry County Auditor Shannon Teresi has worked so hard to end in McHenry County.


Lake County Clerk’s Campaigning with Tax Dollars — 9 Comments

  1. This isn’t as scandalous as what Nygren did.

    I just checked Lake County election results and Robin O’Connor wasn’t up for election this year.

    I only see her name on that van once and it is quite small, smaller than the other font.

    Maybe it’s just promoting voting?

    It says vote or voting three times.

    Nygren had his name on a TON of vehicles, not just one, and that was an election year for him.

    This vehicle is in a parking lot.

    Nygren’s were in parades.

    They have some similarities in that county vehicles have somebody’s name on them, and paint costs money…

    But after that, the differences show and you realize what Nygren did was different and worse.

  2. Politicians putting their names on our stuff is vile.

    Parks, equipment, real estate. I’d like to go to the Michael J. Sullivan Government Center and file an injunction against plastering the names of public employees on our stuff.

    Dang it.

  3. Screw Nygren, he’s gone and we’re better off for it!

    Cal mentioned Nygren’s misuse in the past.

    THIS is current.

    She won 2 yrs ago.

    Lake County is out of money!

    This Clerk gets a grant and uses it for flagrant self promotion and vanity?

    Has nothing to do with Covid, voting has nothing to do with her dog and cat and clueless as she is, she’s advertising on a van that may be hauling voting equipment?

    What an idiot!

    It should say, “Your Voice, Your Vote, Your Choice, Your Tax dollars paid for this”

    They were just advertising for people from other counties to come in and help count thousands of votes after the election that she was remiss in counting.

    Too busy picking out a van and pics of her pets to do her job!

    I still don’t know if they certified the election results!


  4. LAKE COUNTY, just got the Govt. they deserve!

    This is what happens when you don’t have a County Auditor.

    No oversight means the taxpayers get screwed.

  5. This is what Jack Franks wanted the County Board to pass – to have taxpayers pay for politicians’ campaign swag and label it ‘community outreach’… with no cap, mind you!

    You know he would’ve bought a vehicle(s) with his name all over it, on the taxpayers dime!

    The Lake County Clerk is also Democrat and Lake County has no Auditor to block such abusive expenditures.

    Also exactly what Franks wanted in his efforts in getting rid of our Auditor.

    McH Co dodged a bullet when they voted him out!

    Nothing good came out of his 4 yrs as Chairman.

  6. Martin, that plaque honoring a long-term judge wasn’t an obscene abuse of taxpayer dollars spend by a politician, for the purpose of a politician campaigning.

    And it’s probably not even permanent.

  7. Yup!

    If the McHenry County Board didn’t vote against Franks agenda to have taxpayers pay for Campaign swag we could have had a Franks mobile!

    Thank God he’s gone!

  8. Nygren is a big pig who has many, many health issues.

    I don’t expect he’ll be around to ring in 2022.

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