Should State Mandate What Is Taught in Schools?

From the Illinois Family Institute, reprinted with permission:

Illinois’ Indoctrination Centers–Government Schools

Written By Kathy Valente 

Government school “education” in Illinois has dropped to a staggering new low, according to an article by Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council.

“In the competition for ‘wokest school system of all,’ Illinois just might be the winner. But be warned, parents in the other 49 states, it’s coming for you too.”

National Review also has an article on these new “standards,” and the headline reads, “Ultra-Woke Illinois Mandates Are Top Threat to U.S. Education.”

IFI first alerted our subscribers to this alarming proposal back in mid-November.

On February 16, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) will make the final decision on whether or not to pass new teacher standards that will mandate teachers to “embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives,” and so much more.

The Illinois Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards will turn Illinois schools into political indoctrination camps and only progressive viewpoints will be taught.

Their goal is to change the hearts and minds of your children.

“Whiteness” is a huge problem, according to this article from EdPrepMatters, a liberal publication of the progressive American Association for Teacher Education.

They boldly assert that it is “embedded in many so-called traditional values in the U.S.” and must be addressed and eradicated.

Another problem that needs to be corrected in your child’s mind is the problem “progressives” have with conservatism.

The article goes on to state,

“some conservatives in the U.S. either lack a complex understanding of key terms and ideas (critical thinking, capitalism, socialism, communism, social justice, multiculturalism, etc.) or are willfully misrepresenting these concepts for political gain.”

And it does not end there.

Propaganda promoting

  • “systems of oppression,”
  • “sex and gender,
  • gender identity,
  • sexual orientation,
  • racism,
  • sexism,
  • homophobia,
  • unearned privilege,”

will be taught and reinforced through K-12 because, according to Illinois State Board of Education spokesperson Jackie Matthews,

“Culturally responsive practices are especial in better supporting Illinois’ LGBTQ+ youth.”

And there you have it.

Parents, your children are at great risk.

Covert efforts to undermine Judeo-Christian values and principle have been going on for decades, but they are now out-in-the-open and quickly becoming the core curriculum.

Pulling your children out of these government indoctrination camps is imperative.

God will bless your efforts and both your children’s and our country’s futures depend on it.


It is vital that the members of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) hear from all Illinois taxpayers.

Please click HERE to send a message to this committee urging them to vote against any proposal that would mandate all Illinois teachers be indoctrinated with left-leaning “woke” beliefs.

The Democratic Co-Chairman is Illinois Senator Bill Cunningham (D-Chicago). His office number is (773) 445-8128.

The Republican Co-Chairman is Keith Wheeler (R-North Aurora). His office number is (630) 345-3464.

More ACTION: Here is a list of all the members of JCAR, and their individual contact information.

It is imperative that we respectfully contact these state lawmakers to urge them to reject these new divisive “standards” by the ISBE.

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Should State Mandate What Is Taught in Schools? — 6 Comments

  1. Another extremely important reason to put cameras and microphones in all K-12 public school classrooms in Illinois. Cameras would be trained on blackboards/whiteboards and teachers, not students. Teachers would address students by first name only. All parents would be given live access to school sessions and also historical access to sessions within last month.

    Parents MUST know what is going on in classrooms. Besides the “indoctrination” cited above, do teachers subtly, or not so subtly, promote their political beliefs/bias, liberal,conservative or other?

    If police are required to wear body cameras with microphones to record all encounters with humans, including unlawful actions, to PROTECT the rights of the innocent and the criminal, then surely our most precious children should be protected from possible propaganda and bias from teachers, not to mention incompetence.

    Parents would access the school’s website to view live or recorded classroom sessions. Every school would need a technology update. The update costs would be made available from our new president. He could with a stroke of the pen provide the billions of dollars needed.

  2. “God will bless your efforts” Christianity extolling ignorance and hate for 2000 years

  3. They can’t even teach the most basic word “Stop” when asked to by the popo … to do so.

    HA not a chance… you can see how what they have turned these babies into now nothing but robots who don’t even know our HISTORY, here in America, all they know is FREE handouts and how to rob, steal, and file for mo FREE stuff…

    Hell NO!

    Just like you should not be here in a SANCTUARY SO CALLED CITY Which is ILLEGAL!


    They have FREE schooling down there yet they don’t go but here It costs us for them to go or not go but get that fREE meal..


    its a joke!

  4. Why not teach that 6 billion Jews were killed in the holocaust and that Negroes actually developed a Wakanda Civilzation that explored Mars and Alpha Centuri before evil Whites reduced all vestiges of the civilization in 1868.

  5. No one trusts the transgendered agenda or the Communist indoctrination.

    Pull your children out of the public school before they OD, start cross dressing or get molested by a grooming teacher.

    No wonder the elites wanted prayer removed as an initial step.

  6. I would suggest more emphasis on mathematics and science.

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