
Kinzinger’s Latest Move — 29 Comments

  1. Ah yes, the old; Romney, McCain, Kasich, Cristol Republican Party…so nice, yet so very ineffective and all with big letter “L” on their foreheads.

    Go ahead Kinzinger, L comes after K, and you’ll look good wearing an L like the rest of them.

    You and Liz Cheney can even work together.

  2. Too late for you Kinzinger, you have exposed yourself as a RINO traitor to the cause.

    I would much prefer a pile of steaming hot dog shyt preferable to you as a candidate.

    Stick a fork in him, he’s done.

  3. He’s right.

    Trump’s policies were sound and good for our country, and Kinzinger’s voting record, at 90% aligned, agrees with that.

    But Trump’s leadership skills are awful and caused more damage than his policies fixed.

    True, the press never cut him a break, but he never learned how to lead the people.

    This is what differentiates Trump from Reagan.

    Instead, Trump feeds off the worshipping of his followers.

    I expect you Trump adorants to flame with all your ill-informed nonsense and oddly emotional reactions.

    Go for it if it makes you feel superior.

    For Republicans to win control in Congress again it will take leaders with maturity.

    I make no apologies agreeing with Kinzinger.

    I worship one King, and his name is not Trump.

  4. Eminclake – the vast majority of what you say is absolutely true.

    However, you make key subtle (injecting your own philosophical) errors that give your post an enormously erroneous conclusion.

    You are so close, but your misinterpretation of some reality points are very important to point out.

    1) Reagan almost NEVER got a “pass” from the press. Reagan used his charm, humor, and wit to deflect the vile and vicious attacks against him. Reagan was a master at using the vindictiveness of a liberal press to make Reagan look like the hero. Reagan had that unique gift. Trump obviously did not.

    2) What you identify as “worshipping followers” is your injection of your own dislike for such celebrity. Prior to Trump’s run for office, very few – if any – “Trump worshippers” (your term) existed. In fact, the left liked him more that the philosophic right in 2015. Most conservatives were fearful or even mocked a Trump candidacy. However, what won the conservatives/populace voters over was Trump’s straight/frank/no-BS language. THAT was a breath of fresh air to most on the right who have been fed the lies that Kinsinger and you have been giving us.

    Your subtle errors erode your own otherwise lucid assessment of the political climate for the Republicans.

    Now, if you can eliminate your visceral, irrational, and un-intellectual dislike of Trump and his followers – and try to understand the motivation for Trump’s support, you’ll go along way.

  5. CLM, I’ll admit to blind spots, as we all have them.

    Regarding your first point, I agree without caveat.

    Regarding your second point, yes, I’ve grown frustrated by the behavior of a large number of Trump supporters who accept his frank language and his insistence of a “rigged” election.

    And I’m frustrated by four years of politicians enabling and feeding his behavior out of fear.

    I know that being a Trump supporter does not mean you’re a member of QAnon or the Proud Boys.

    I watched some of his 2020 campaign speeches live and found them mostly on target.

    The 2016 election was an oddity, and it’s clear Trump was the only person who could default Clinton.

    I’m thankful for Trump winning that election, especially for why it was critically important: the Supreme Court.

    Biden proved to be the only person who could beat Trump, and unfortunately Trump didn’t take losing well.

    Had he finally and graciously accepted his fate after it became clear he was fighting a losing battle, and not question the very democracy that put him in office, we would be having a very different conversation.

    For me, I’m looking for someone that represents the things I care most about but in a way that ensures success through diplomacy and respect.

    Perhaps my shortcoming is that I’ll always be an idealist.

    Maybe that’s Kinznger’s shortcoming, too.

  6. @Correcting, it’s that very sort of GOP behavior that causes me great worry.

    “You must think and do exactly like us or you shall be banished!”

    Does anyone see how wrong that is to vilify someone within the party because they think even slightly differently?

    Talk about cancel culture.

  7. Who worships president Trump?

    Also, never one single time in his worthless, rotten political life has the effeminate Kinzinger put country first.

    He would rather send people to die in someone else’s wars.

  8. Democrats and the mostly corrupt and left wing media, who actually are shills and handmaidens for the Democrat Party, despised Trump soon after he announced his run for the presidency. They did everything they could to try to destroy him and his administration.

    The term, “Trump Worshippers”, is something the mostly left wing media might use.

    People who voted for Trump in 2016 liked what he proposed for our Nation. They did not necessarily like him nor worship him.

    The 70+ million who voted for him in 2020 wanted a continuation of his actions and policies that benefited our Nation.

    Unfortunately, the unprecedented amount of executive orders by the guy we have now are mostly hurtful to our Nation. He is a liar and a former plagiarist, besides being a doofus. Not to be trusted. His pledge of UNITY is a gigantic lie so far. Not unlike his former boss, Barak Hussein Obama, who lied many times by promising to Americans that they could keep their doctors and health plans if they liked them.

  9. Eminclake.

    Great last response.

    Clearly your are a legitimate, honest, introspective Republican.

    I too am a traditional republican who loves Ronald Reagan and I’m more conservative than the Establishment part of or party.

    I fell in love with Trump because of his directness to the American people. T

    rump was Trump, and when he spoke, there was no double speak, it was what Trump thought was best for America.

    And, 90+% of the time I agreed with him and was proud he spoke with such honesty and directness – never before in my life did I ever believe a politician would speak so directly.

    THAT more than anything drove liberals nuts (liberals know they’re policies are failures; direct language to the American public scares them more than anything in the world).

    Additionally, Trump took ALL the arrows from the left – protecting most conservative from criticism.

    Almost all the Republicans got off easy as Trump was the scape goat to the media and the left…and he held the line and didn’t waver.

    Kinzinger is as weak as they come; he’ll cave the moment they criticize his hair or his suit.

    We need more Republican’s like Donald Trump.

    Criticizing Trump supporters is the most grave mistake any Republican can make.

    It reveals that they have NO idea of the plight and anguish that the average worker feels.

    Kinzinger is the embodiment of that cluelessness.

  10. Why does it worry you?

    It’s not like they censured him because he disagreed with Trump on how much the tariff should be.

    They’re censuring him because he voted to impeach the president.

    That’s not a trivial issue that he just so happens to “think even slightly differently” about.

    It is a question of grave importance.

    I also don’t understand why people compare this to “cancel culture.”

    I assume there is some superficial reasoning like “THAT’S WHAT THE COMMUNISTS DO SO YOU CAN’T DO THAT!”

    Is that the best you can do?

    It’s like cancel culture so Republicans shouldn’t do it?

    First, you should act MORE like the left in tactics since they actually win unlike Republicans.

    Second, I think your definition of “cancel culture” is too broad to begin with.

    Your definition of cancel culture seems to be “any time someone criticizes me.”

    Cancel culture is critiqued when it’s seen as going overboard.

    For example, erasing Aunt Jemimah because… actually we don’t know why, but we are angry, and a black person is involved!

    Therefore… you have to do what we say!

    That’s the stuff people think is retarded.

    When I think of “cancel culture,” I don’t think of VOTERS expressing anger at their public official for voting the “wrong” way.

    The representative is a member of a political party; there is expected to be some cohesion in a political party.

    When Democratic primary voters decided to replace Lipinski, who is pro-life, with Newman, who represents their values (pro-choice) better, was that “cancel culture” or was that… just the electoral process?

    You are SUPPOSED to be able to CANCEL politicians ie VOTE THEM OUT. Smh

    Kinzinger voted in a way that upset many Republicans.

    Now there are consequences

    Republicans are mad and want his political career to be over).

    I do not find that abnormal or worrisome.

  11. Chase Gioberti

    No one worships Trump ?

    Hmm, I don’t know.

    Kat Kerr (a Christian “revelator”) says God visited her (woke her up at noon, no less) and referred to Donald Trump as “my son” (check out 5:26).

    Love the wig !

  12. Innocent: And the press said that “chills went up their leg” when Obama spoke?

    Remember Obama’s staged speech with the Greek Columns? Not Olympus god-like?

    Where is your sense of balance.

    The Democrats “worship” Obama every bit as much as the Trump supporters support Trump.

    Trump supporters believe in God, however, and Obama supporters believe in Government.

    Trump supporters just show up in greater numbers – largely because the elitist class ignores and mistreats us and Trump supports us.

  13. CLM

    In my view, that’s quite a feeble attempt at an equivalency.

    We are, after all, talking about a Christian “revelator” who says God visited her in her bedroom and referred to Donald Trump as “my son”.

    When you assert that God Almighty made such a pronouncement, that’s quite a different thing from what people may do or say or believe or even worship.

    Ms. Kerr’s assertion concerns an alleged pronouncement by God and seemingly puts Donald Trump on a par with Jesus Christ.

    “And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased !’” (Matthew 3:17).

    In the olden days, I believe folks would have been burned for making such a statement.

  14. Back in 2008, and in all the years since, the shills and handmaidens for the Democrat Party in the mostly left wing and corrupt media could find no wrong in anything about Barak Hussein Obama. There was a guy named Chris Mathews, who once worked for a Democrat politicians said on the leftist cable tv news cable station in 2008:

    “I have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.”

    A THRILL up his leg.

    How is that for a supposedly fourth estate? The media? The press? Do we have objective and unbiased reporters in the vast majority of media INCLUDING the Chicago market?

  15. Innocent – you raise the language of 1 whacko.

    The “Equivalency” argument is a new liberal tactic to counter the duplicity of their argument.

    All you liberals are using it: “Equivalency”, “Whataboutism”, “Turnaroundism”, ….

    these are the new liberal terms that are used when liberals are caught being phony, duplicitous, and inconsistent.

    When we point out their fraud, they uses those terms.

    Watch, you’ll hear those terms all the time now.

    It’s a laugh.

  16. CLM

    To begin with, I was responding to the suggestion that no one worships Trump. (“Who worships president Trump?”)

    If you find one such person, the premise is disproved.

    Second, I don’t categorize people. (“All you liberals are using it.”)

    Placing people in conceptual categories attempts to insult and dehumanize those with differing opinions and is all too often merely a lazy alternative to engaging on the merits.

    Nor do I respond to such categorizations or emotional trigger words.

    As I’ve often said to those who would deign to listen to me, argue as if you were arguing with a computer or Mr. Spock.

    They are impervious to insults and categorizations, which roll off them like water off a duck’s back.

    Third, you will note that the moderator of that Zoom session says, “Yes, amen”, at the end of Kat Kerr’s discourse.

    So, he clearly didn’t deem what she said as being offensive or sacrilegious.

    The clip was only a small part of the Zoom session, but I would venture to guess that none of the other Christian pastors participating in the session called her out on such pronouncement. S

    o, it doesn’t appear she’s a “one off”.

    In any event, even if she is a “one off”, that disproves the premise.

    Fourth, false equivalency is not some new-fangled liberal concoction designed to attempt to counter (what shall I call them ?) conservatives.

    It is, in fact, an example of the fallacy of inconsistency (sort of, like, comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler).

    The order of magnitude of such a fallacy can, of course, be argued, however, I would suggest that anyone preaching that God said Donald Trump is “my son” is hardly equivalent to anything (except Matthew 3:17).

    So, liberals (whatever or whoever they are) didn’t just recently pull that rabbit out of their hats.

  17. Primate is obviously a muttonhead who’s here to troll.

    He got exposed for what he is: a classic democrat moron who wants to erase White people in favor of marxist tripe.

  18. Kinzinger reminds me so much of a young Mark Kirk, and that is most certainly not a compliment.

  19. I find it probable that Kinzinger is trying to alter, mock, subvert, and appropriate “America First” with “Country First.”

    I wonder how long it will be for the left to point that out and call him a Klansman in a suit trying to rebrand.

    This guy is going to get hammered from all sides and it’s going to be glorious.

    You want to see a “maverick?”

    Look up Joe Liebermann.

    How did being a “maverick” work out for him?

    He is one of the most hated people in American politics even though he’s been retired for years.

  20. Anecdotally, a vastly larger number of people worshiped Fallen Messiah Obama (and still do) than Trump.

    Trump’s leadership skills “sucked” because he didn’t lead in many cases.

    There is some grey area there though.

    It could be said that he had some incompetent advisors and he took bad advise from many of them.

    A good leader doesn’t need to micromanage every single thing; he keeps competent people around him.

    Also, it could be said that he operated within the lines of what his job entailed.

    It’s interesting that there seems to be a double-standard with how people wanted Trump to be involved in state-level affairs, and to stay out of others.

    “Trump didn’t do enough w/ ‘Rona! Also, Trump needs to stay out of enforcing the law against rioters!”

    Eventually people are going to see Trump for what he really is; an enemy of the establishment.

    People might even see that he was better for them than what they have now.

    You can’t lead if the entire establishment is opposed to you being there.

    Think about it.

  21. Long Time Resident

    A “muttonhead”, huh ?

    Well, “baa” to you.

    “a classic democrat moron who wants to erase White people in favor of marxist tripe”

    Thanks, I’ve often thought of myself as being classic.

    But I’m not sure I understand this.

    Can’t “White people” be Marxists ?

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