Teacher Standards Up for Vote Tomorrow

From Lake County Right to Life:

We are down to the wire.

The JCAR vote is tomorrow.

If you have not already done so please take action.

We all must be activists now.

The JCAR Committee is made up of 12 state senators or representatives and has the authority to suspend the proposed rule IF they have at least 8 votes.

Issue: The proposed rule would require public school teachers in Illinois to affirm, embrace and teach progressive view points in order to receive and maintain their teaching licenses.

What is progressive?

A progressive viewpoint is code for a pro-abortion view point. If the rule takes affect teachers will be forced to embrace and teach from a pro-abortion prospective. 


The Governor is placing tremendous pressure on the Democrats to pass the Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards.

Please take 5 minutes to call or email the following on the JCAR committee and urge them to VOTE NO the “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards.”
Although there are 12 on the committee the names listed below are the key votes.

Rep. Frances Hurley (D-Chicago): 217-782-8200repfranhurley@gmail.com

Sen. Bill Cunningham (D-Chicago): 773-4458128cunningham@senatedem.illinois.gov

Rep. Keith Wheeler, (R-): 217-782-1486, office@repkeithwheeler.org

Sen. Tony Muñoz (D-Chicago): – 217-782-9415www.senatortonymunoz.com/contact-us or senator.amunoz@yahoo.com
Rep. Mike Halpin (D-Rock Island): 217-782-5970rephalpin@gmail.com

Thank you for your help!


Teacher Standards Up for Vote Tomorrow — 5 Comments

  1. This is about making our educators culturally responsive.

    Here’s the actual quote about progressive viewpoints:

    “Embrace and encourage progressive viewpoints and perspectives that leverage asset thinking toward traditionally marginalized populations”

    Here’s the text:


    Not sure why people are against this.

  2. A lot of BS in the 28 pages of the document listed in comment at 6:52 am.

  3. If you cannot answer this one question, how can you vote YES to this educational indoctrination mandate? 

    The question: WHO decides definition of WHAT is accused to be racist, WHAT is the DUE PROCESS for those who feel wrongly accused,  and WHO decides the punishment for what is declared as ‘convicted’ racist in YOUR definition of “due process”?

    Acronyms are alleged to be racist and white supremacist.

    Yet many non-“white” cultures have widely used acronyms for decades: tcb, phat, and blm are a few examples.

    (If you who are voting need to look these up it is further evidence you are too ill-informed to vote now on such an impactful policy mandate).

    Please consider that you need to be more explicit about unambiguous language of rules you now seek to impose on all teachers, administrators in Illinois. 

    Your dictates will have profound effect on children,  parents,  and taxpayers in Illinois.

  4. Wogs should be given $50K, a Liberian passport and a one way ticket to Monrovia.

    Think of the savings and heartaches obviates from their criminal propensities.

    A real bargain!

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